Another Packer win….

Yes, we did it again.  We seemed to accumulate another win against Detroit.  I think we could have kicked Chicago’s butt last week if the weather had not been so crummy.  They know it and we know it. I say rematch the Chicago Bears.  The day before the game the weather in Chicago was in the 50’s.  What a shame.  Oh well we will take our record this year.  I think we are now 13-3 or 14-3 I have to recheck.  I never would have guessed we would be that good at the beginning or the end of the last season.  But we will take it.  Hubby told me if the Packer’s went to the Super bowl we would go and I am holding him to it.  I really don’t think they can get that far this year.  I would hate to go and then loose against the Patriots.  I mean Green Bay beat them in the last Super Bowl they were in in 1996-97. I think the Patroits are pretty darn good this year.  I would have like to have seen them come up with one loss though.  That would have been nice.  It was close last night against New York until the 4th quarter.
This cold his still kind of dragging me down.  I can’t get motivated until later in the day.  I have some cleaning to do tomorrow before the party but not alot.  I will probably have more to do after the party since the house just gets to be a mess.  That is why I am not doing alot of cleaning before it just doesn’t make sense.  I am hoping it turns our to be a nice evening which I am sure it will.
Other than that nothing much else happening.  Just relaxing and enjoying my time off.
Have a Happy New Year!


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December 30, 2007

Happy New Year!