Christmas is here!!

I made it to Christmas, I can’t believe it.  And I didn’t kill anyone.  I think I came close a couple of times to just telling people off.  Why do people have to be so stupid?  I had this lady ask me in Walmart the other day if I worked for the store.  I said, "No, I am a video rep if you have a question on a movie!"  She said, " What is your return policy on this DVD player?"  I just wanted to say I just said I don’t work for the store you didn’t listen!  Instead I just stated I don’t know the return policy because I don’t work for the store and I don’t make it habit to return things.  Here’s your sign!!
People assume since you are in the store putting out videos that you work for the store and they want help for everything from getting a game out of a video case to help with a tv.  Sorry I am the last person to ask about that.  I don’t know anything about that stuff.
Then there is my other job.  I just about walked out the other day.  I just have had it! Plain and simple.  I was supposed to open with another girl.  But since she figured I would be there and be on time she decided to come in later.  The phone starts ringing at 8:30 about the time she is supposed to be there.  I know it’s her so I dont’ answer the phone.  Just to piss her off.  About 9 she comes strolling in, why didn’t you answer the phone?  Because I am too pissed off to answer the phone!!! Why are you mad???  she asks.  Because people around here come and go as they please!!!  This is the same girl who came in late all four days I worked with her last week.  Now I don’t mind people coming in late but when they start to take advantage of you that’s it!!!  I was pissed knowing she knew I was going to be there.  So now when I see her next I am going to tell her when she comes in during my time she comes in on time.  No more coming in late.  She has ruined it for herself.  And this is the same girl who one time when I decided everyone comes in late all the time I will too.  So I call her and tell her I will be like an hour late.  And she says no make it a half hour we have alot to do.  Well only because she didn’t do any of the work herself, she waiting for me to come in and do it all.  That is bull$%^&*!!!  I am waiting to get my holiday pay taking my vacation time and quitting!!  I am sick of being used as the pee on!  And  I am not giving a notice either.  I will just walk in and hand my key over and say I quit!!
I hate to do that because I would like to use them as a reference.  But since i got my old job back I am not even going to use that place.  Besides they will probably say something shitty because I walked out when I am the best employee they have.  I don’t mind doing my job, but when other people assume I will do there job also, that is where I draw the line!!!
So, that is my vent for the day, sorry you had to hear it.

Merry Christmas, I am looking for a new job!


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December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas =]

December 24, 2007

Yeah I think books help a lot. Christmas is a stressful time which is funny to me because it shouldn’t be. I wish we could just get one or two nice presents and spend time with family and not have it be such a huge stressful deal.

December 25, 2007
December 26, 2007

Thanks I really appreciate your note. I guess part of it was that I didn’t understand if she thought that she could give it to us, why did she come over? You know. But I am hoping you are right. She fed my child a little bit of cheese. I am hoping that wouldn’t cause it.

December 26, 2007