So far, so good….


So far things seem to be moving in a positive direction for baby #3. I am still only basing this pregnancy on the fact that I have gotten LOTS (way too many for a rational person to have taken ;)) positive tests. I really need to stop buying/taking them. Even if something has gone wrong the tests would probably still show me a positive due to the HCG levels already in my system. I am going to call at the end of this week to schedule my first prenatal visit. It’s a blessing and a curse to know about a pregnancy this early. A blessing because I can take added steps to take care of my body, but a curse because things are still so so early, and it is hard to not get ahead of myself in the excitement department. I’m officially in love with this little one already.  I don’t care if others have opinions on it being "too soon". Will and I have had lots of discussions about what others might think/or say. This afternoon he sent me a text and said "I just want you to know that you are a great mom. I love our two boys so much. This pregnancy is going to be great. As my good friend Ben Folds would say "We’re going to rock this bitch!".  Haha…I feel like he could have chosen a slightly more sentimental song as the theme for this pregnancy.

I went out on a limb a few days ago and emailed my father-in-law a very long, heartfelt e-mail. In the past year or so our relationship has become really distant. I believe a lot of it has to do with how open Will has been with his parents about our struggles. It’s a MAJOR source of contention between Will and I that he shares the details of our fights with his parents because I feel like knowing these details would make it difficult for ANYone to see their daughter- in- law the same as if they didn’t know ALL of the details of her fights with their son. I’ve always felt that Will and I need to have more of a united front. A lot of times I feel like when Will and I fight I am fighting with him and he has a whole cheerleading section (his family) behind him. So anyway, I sent my fil an e-mail basically accepting fault for the distance in our relationship. I don’t feel like I am entirely to blame, but I am willing to say I am if it will improve our relationship. I explained that I sometimes feel awkward because I know that his parents know the innermost details of our fight, and that feeling so exposed makes me want to avoid them. I explained that it’s really hard for me when Will and his parents discuss me without my knowledge. I got a great and very loving response from my father-in-law. I was really thrilled and hopeful that this might be the start of getting our relationship on track. Then I got home and Will told me that my fil had called him and told him the details of my e-mail, and asked Will how he should respond to me. UGH! Okay, I get that he probably meant well, but I feel like he didn’t receive the message I was sending him AT ALL. I didn’t tell Will I had e-mailed his dad. It wasn’t something Will needed to know (esp. the details). I was working to mend the relationship with my fil. I wanted it to be between us, and I almost feel violated that he shared the deeply personal feelings I shared with him with Will. I don’t want him to respond how Will tells him to respond. If we are going to have a healthy functioning relationship then we need to learn how to respond to eachother without a middle man. Maybe I am over-reacting. I know my hormones are all over the place.

I am really trying to embrace the whole eating when I am hungry and what my body craves concept. So far I think it’s going well. I definitely need to stop stepping on the scale. Whatever happens over the next 9plus months with my body is what’s supposed to happen. I am going to try so hard to see it as beautiful.



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July 1, 2011

I have no children, I’m not a father or a husband, so it should mean something when I say unbiased that pregnant women are all beautiful.

July 2, 2011

ummm yea I just cringed with awkwardness for you that you a) emailed your FIL all that personal stuff and then b) he shared it with will!! I would forgo the email (I have been a big email person in the past) and go straight to direct conversation, even though its harder. Because after all, you want your relationship IN PERSON to be better, so why not start out that way as opposed to internet?

July 2, 2011

secondly, I cherish every entry you write now about pregnancy! I think of you every day as we go through these nervewracking first few weeks together. i havent called for an appt yet but I am going to next week. I have laryngitis and I have no voice!!

July 2, 2011

I’m glad things are going well so far and I’m sure everything will be fine 🙂 You are a great baby baker!! lol I totally get where you’re coming from with the whole Will’s Dad thing…I don’t think it’s your’re right! Your whole message was you didn’t want everything between you and will, you and his parents etc to be between you and EVERYONE and he turned around and did the same

July 2, 2011

thing by pulling Will into it. Maybe he wasn’t thinking that way though and didn’t even realize what he was doing by immediately going to Will for advice. I hope you can work things out there. I know 100% how you feel when your inlaws know every detail of your relationship and fights because as you know my ex was the same way and it hurt our relationship A LOT.

July 2, 2011

Wow I can’t believe you’re having another baby! LOL! That’s really awesome for you guys.

July 2, 2011

I can’t imagine how awkward that has to be.. Will shouldn’t share the inner most details of your relationship with them though.. But he called Will to find out how to respond.. Is just omg!! And I’m excited for you guys 🙂 told you baby#3 we’d be pregnant together! 🙂

July 2, 2011

The scale is evil; pregnant bodies are amazing.

July 2, 2011

Tyler and I made the agreement (although we have strayed a couple of times) to never relate details of our arguments/issues to either of our parents. It just makes things rough. I hope your communication with your FIL goes better than mine with my father (see previous entries). nm

July 2, 2011

how far along are you? i found out at 4 weeks, and you’re right – it was hard not to get soooo excited about everything right away – when things can go wrong. i also took way too many tests (5). it’s a fun time and i’m so excited for you guys for baby number three!

July 5, 2011

Your pregnancy news is amazing! I’ll be saying special prayers for you that everything goes smoothly. I know, it is simply impossible not to fall in love instantly! As for the FIL thing- eek. I can’t believe he called Will! But hey, you were an adult about it. Maybe things will still improve. 🙂 ~Bethany & Baby Girl.x