I am almost afraid to document this in here, because writing it here makes it real. If it’s real, and it doesn’t happen, it will be that much more difficult.

That being said, I think Will and I are having ANOTHER baby. Yep. We are going to have a three year old, a one year old, and a newborn! 

I am incredibly early in the process. This baby was either conceived on 6/13 or 6/16, so yep….very early. I got very faint positives with the first response line tests on Sunday (same day as JenRn-how crazy?!), and then got two "pregnant" readings using digitals today.

I honestly don’t know what to think. My feelings are running a repeat soundtrack of excitement, fear, and disbelief. I always knew I wanted to have another baby, but never ever expected this soon.

If all goes well, and I pray it does, Jacob and Gavin will have a new baby brother/sister in early March!

Not to put a damper on things but….

My mom really hurt my feelings when I told her yesterday (should have followed my gut in waiting to tell her). She responded with a frown and said "Well, we don’t have anything to worry about YET. Your brother and Becky thought they were pregnant last October. They took lots of tests that said they were pregnant, but then nothing ended up being there". Ummmm….it wasn’t "nothing"–it was a miscarriage.

Really, are you serious with that comment?! If we have another child it would be a blessing, not "something to worry about". It’s our THIRD child, not our seventeeth or some other insane number (I am one of seven all of whom are two years apart, so I am not sure where the judgement is coming from). We’ve always talked about the possibility of wanting three maybe even four children, so this is within "the plan", just not in the time sequence we had imagined. We are married(thirty years old!) and financially responsible. How is it her place to judge whether or not this is a good thing?! I am really really hurt, but trying to take her for who she is. Ugh.

Anyway…please keep us in your prayers! As always, my eating disorder continues to be a struggle(although much better), and I want to be healthy for this little life…and for the rest of my family.


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June 28, 2011

Oh!!!! Wow 🙂 not “something to worry about”, it’s a blessing and I’m so happy for you! Another sweet little baby to love! And talk about timing! I just read Jen’s entry this morning! I am excited to follow your dual pregnancies 🙂 *hugs* Kristen

June 28, 2011


June 28, 2011

woa, thats a really stupid reaction she had. I was wondering about “nothing being in there” and thinking, wait- how do I know *I* have something in me?? Well, you’re right. thats called miscarriage. Oy. It was obviously insensitive and doesn’t reflect on you at all. It sounds like she has no idea how that came across. Give her time. But ya…. YEY US!! I will be just a few days ahead of you.

June 28, 2011

Congratulations! Babies are blessings. 🙂

June 28, 2011

how exciting! don’t worry about what your mom said (i know, i know, way easier said than done). my grandma was not excited about our pregnancy at all. she said “well, i guess what’s done is done but i would have thought you’d have taken more time for just the two of you” um, hello. we were together 5 and a half years before getting married, and were married almost 4rs when we got pregnant!

June 28, 2011

Oh my gosh, that is incredible news!! 🙂 I am so happy for you! I don’t understand why your Mom is not happy with the news, I mean it’d be different if it was, say.. me! Give her a few weeks to get into the idea of a new grandchild. But don’t let it get you down, this is such exciting news! 🙂 ryn: Thank you so so much, your words really mean a lot. I have changed the settings so hopefully…

June 28, 2011

…I won’t have that problem again. I’ll just concentrate on lovely notes like yours. 🙂 Yeah, I really do feel like I will be a good mother, I’ve wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember, babies are so incredible. And minding my 1 yr old god-daughters for days at a time shows me I don’t just want to play house- I’m looking forward to all of it. 🙂 Congrats again! 🙂 ~Bethany & Bump.x

June 28, 2011

How incredibly exciting!! I knew that was going to be the news 🙂 Can’t wait to follow you on the journey!!

June 28, 2011

Congrats! That is such great news!

June 28, 2011


June 28, 2011

I wonder if your mom is worried about YOUR health, you know what I mean? Either way, I don’t agree with her delivery on the issue (haha, sorry, that was a bad pun). Congratulations on the little bundle of joy that IS headed your way in March. 🙂

June 28, 2011

YAY!! Congrats! And we’re pregnant together again!!

June 28, 2011

As soon as I saw your title, I thought, “BABY!” hehe. Congratulations! Ignore your mother. Just…ignore her. Be healthy, be happy and think positive!! P.S. I hope it’s a girl 😉

June 29, 2011

AHHHH! Congratulations 🙂 I’m going to have a pregnant buddy too!! (haha hopefully if I get pregnant in August like planned) I’m so happy for you! That comment your Mom made was not nice at all! I’m sure it’s not reassuring to you to hear a story about a bunch of positives and then “nothing was there” That reminds me of comments my Mom makes…even though she means well they come out

June 29, 2011

sounding very wrong 🙁 I’m crossing my fingers for you that you have a healthy baby on the way 😀

June 29, 2011

Congrats! If the only kids born were those that were planned, the world would have half as many people. And sorry about your mom’s comment. It was rude and disrespectful.

June 30, 2011


June 30, 2011

CONGRATS!!!! You and Jen are following in my footsteps, one year behind! 🙂 Can’t wait to follow along.

July 2, 2011

What a terrible response from your mom! I’m so sorry about that. 🙁 I am very happy for you, sweetie! I really hope that your eating disorder gets better and better and better!