Black Friday

Happy day after Thanksgiving everybody! We spent ours in Kansas City with Will’s family this year. It was the first time we’ve ever done this, as T-giving is a huge holiday full or traditions for my family, but it’s been nice.

Santa came over yesterday to do pictures with the boys and their cousins. Gavin was oblivious and Jacob was pretty terrified (but slightly less so than last year-progress is progress ).  My pics are up on fb.

I experienced my first Black Friday shopping excursion with my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law. We only went to Walmart and were there from 10:00-2:00 a.m.(my sil was out all night) I am not sure if I will ever do it again, but it was fun, and I got most of the things I wanted. It was complete chaos.  They had all of the big ticket toys roped off in the produce section. People started lining up around the caution tape early in the evening, but the ropes weren’t cut open until 12:01.  People were everywhere–pushing, shoving, trying to sneak past the caution tape. I may or may not have jumped over a blockade of bananas  at 12:01 in pursuit of a half price Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and Jessie doll (really? Is this who I’ve become? ). So after the hype of getting these toys(and several others) for Jacob that he really didn’t need started to wear off, I stood in line for an hour and half second guessing myself and wondering if I should just go home without buying anything. After all is said and done I am very happy with what I got, and excited for J to see his Christmas presents. Now that I  think about it I will probably go again next year…’s like childbirth-you forget how crazy it is, and you have something amazing (okay, so my half price Buzz light year might be stretching it) to take away from it.

I had my midyear teaching observation with my boss on Tuesday. It went oookkay. I have to remember that this is my first year teaching four year olds and it is a learning year. I still have a lot to learn. Has anyone ever taught Project Construct? It is the curriculum we use, and I could use advice/ideas.

Alright….time to hang out with the family. Hoping J and Gav go to sleep early tonight!


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November 26, 2010

Yay for buzz! I love that you may or may not have jumped over bananas lol. The worst I did was shove around to get some 700tc sheets lol

November 26, 2010

I black friday shopped for the first time ever today…but none of that crazy door-busting stuff. I went to one store only (k-mart! layaway!) and it was at 7pm. I’m sure there would have been lots more stuff, for instance the prefect little elmo PJs I found in every size BUT 3t, however I still think I did well. Sean was with me, but…like he’ll remember on Christmas…right?? right??? LOL kristen

November 26, 2010

Oooops….perfect, not prefect. Geez. kristen

November 26, 2010

My sister went to Wal-Mart in Lawrence at midnight and bent down to look through a bin of movies ($1.97) and the crowd started pushing her down and crowding her- she responded by screaming, “Back up, I’m Pregnant!” The people kept pushing and told her if she was pregnant than she shouldn’t be out on black Friday… I was like WTH?!? Glad you got what you were looking for! n

November 27, 2010

we always go, but not at crazy hours 😀 it’s more a traditional “girls day” with some mother daughters bonding time.