Baby question….

The past few days have been stressful and emotional. I am SO ready to go into treatment, but they pushed my admit date back AGAIN. SO frustrated. I know it is beyond their control. The reason they keep pushing me back is because their facility is under construction, but I wish they would stop giving me potential admit dates and then changing them. First it was supposed to be June 2nd, then the 7th, and now the earliest is the 14th. At this rate I will have my baby before I get in!

I had an ob/gyn appt, today and am feeling really anxious about it. I am 27.5 weeks, but am only measuring at 26 weeks(I have however gained plenty of weight, which is awesome because it means it’s going other places than to baby ). The doctor told me they aren’t concerned as long as measurements don’t go any farther than 2 cm (2 weeks)behind or ahead of what they should be, but I still worry. I know I have abused my body through this pregnancy(purging), and I am so afraid my smaller measurements are symptoms of intrauterine growth restriction or some other danger to baby boy. I spend too much time scaring myself on the internet…. Anyone else ever measured ahead or behind? Know anything about it?

I think J has an ear infection. He has been pulling on his ears all night, and is refusing to sleep. Poor little guy. If he’s not better by morning I will take him to get checked. I need Will to get home with children’s tylenol, but he is working late AGAIN. Can you sense my bitterness? On top of Will’s regular 40+ hours of work each week he will be working Youth events Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights until at least 10 p.m. (most likely later) all summer long. Not ideal timing with my entering treatment, I have a feeling my parents are going to do the majority of "parenting" J this summer. It makes me feel even more guilty (if that’s possible) about going into treatment.

Will got me an IPAD for my birthday. I have no idea how to use it, but it’s very cute. 

We are all finished with teacher meetings for the year(there was seriously NO point to me attending them since everything was about next year, but I guess that’s why I get paid the big bucks ), so it’s just a matter of getting things wrapped up in my classroom. I am hoping to get things finished up by Monday.

Tomorrow Will and I are going to take J to the zoo (assuming he’s feeling better). I can’t wait. We haven’t done a family activity like that in such a long time.

Alright…I need to go cuddle my little man and try to make him feel better.

Anyone have any good book recommendations for me to read while in treatment?


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June 3, 2010

The Girl She Used To Be- David Cristofano I am 24 wks. and three days and they haven’t even measured me yet… maybe they’ll do this at my appointment tomorrow? n

June 3, 2010

I’m finishing up a book called Best Friend Forever. I really like it. It actually discusses weight loss and stuff a little as a sub plot, but she does it with diet and exercise, etc, so since that topic is hitting home with your treatment time and all, I dunno if you’d want to read it. The plot is about two best friends who drifted apart in high school and are brought back together by a scandal

June 3, 2010

it’s by Jennifer Weiner. On the baby front…I measured ahead, behind, right on, all randomly through my pregnancy.

June 4, 2010

I hope they quit pushing back your date 🙁 I wish I had book recommendations! I haven’t had 2 minutes to read a damn book lately LOL I miss reading 🙁 Thank you for your fb comment 🙂

June 4, 2010

You scared me! I was all, Oh crap, I missed her birthday! Wait…no I didn’t! hah. Some books I really enjoyed are Veil of Roses, Book of Negroes, Harry Potter ;), Infidel, Ten Thousand Sorrows, A Thousand Splendid Suns, anything by Nora Roberts lol (I can make specific recs. if you’re interested), Left to Tell–it’s a bit graphic but I think you’d like the themes–and The Life of Pi.

June 4, 2010

Also, Body Surfing wasn’t bad. It’s by Anita Shreve and is more of a beach read. Oh, and The Time Traveler’s Wife was great.

June 5, 2010

ryn: sweetened grits? Like with sugar? Ew! lol I eat cheese or butter grits mostly. The shrimp and grits is cheesy/spicy grits w/ shrimp

June 7, 2010

ryn: It is terrible. It bleeds and oozes if I wipe it AT ALL, even with a sensitive wipe. I just want to cry. The diarrhea was so acidic it just burned her. Terrible.

June 7, 2010

RYN: you should have! The box of three cheese and then the country bacon ones are good! 🙂 Grits are really good with cheese and bacon!

June 7, 2010

Oh, and I finished Best Friends Forever…super good. I have it and The Last Song…if you want them, note me your addy and I’ll send them your way!

June 11, 2010

Best book I have ever read is The Purpose Driven Life, but I think you said you read that one. 😛

June 13, 2010

RE: Yeah, I think a lot might be due to depression.

June 19, 2010

At one point, I was measuring 4 weeks ahead of time, but our boy ended up weighing 7 lbs, 5 oz. So, those aren’t exact measurements.

June 24, 2010

Random +katie+ left your diary name on another page which the diarist was asking for names of “our favorite favs” & I likedyou diary name and thought I’d stop over to check ya out! Congrats on your pregancy. I am due Christmas week with baby #1 I can’t wait!!