
I’ve gone too long without writing again. Sadly, I only have a few readers these days, but I need to write more for myself anyway.

I have a job interview at Will’s church/school next week. I am not even sure what grade I am interviewing for, or if it’s full time. I talked with the principal last week, but we didn’t nail down any specifics. I think it might be for 2 year old pre-school. I NEVER thought I would go that low, but it seems strangely appealing now, as I would probably be J’s teacher. The principal has some valid concerns: He worries about spouses working together, he wonders if I would be happy/survive the competitive cut-throat environment of his school, and there’s that small detail about me going on maternity leave at the end of August. After talking with him I had almost convinced myself not to interview. Will and I talked (he knows the principal well–his son Nate is Will’s good friend from college) and said the principal talks really tough because he wants to see where my commitment level is. I guess we will see. I really don’t know that I could handle the rejection of not getting the job.

I am almost certain I will not have a class to teach at my current school next year. The rumor is that only 3 of the current 8 are returning. We will most likely be combining classes, and I am the newest staff member, which means I should be the first one cut. Of course I am biased, but I think they should keep me. If you look at all of the teachers here, I am the most logical choice to keep. I am younger(I’ll be around longer and I make a lesser salary), I have multi-level grade experience, and I have done more than my share to fill in the gaps this year. There are a few teachers close to retirement, but they are showing no sign of being ready to leave.

I am supposed to go to Wisconsin for a bachelorette party this weekend. I really want to go because my best friend Lisa (the moh) is throwing the party. I haven’t seen her since her wedding this past summer. I am already dreading the six hour drive. I am planning to leave Saturday morning and return Sunday evening. I can’t believe how often I used to make that drive.

Jacob is sitting on our coffee table right now–looking ridiculously cute. He knows he’s not allowed to be sitting on it and he’s looking at me with an expectant look like "why haven’t you kicked me off of here yet??". He has developed SUCH a personality. He LOVES Will and wants to be everywhere he is, doing everything he does. They are so cute together. I can’t wait to see Will with #2. I know he wants a girl, but I almost think having another boy might be more fun. I can’t think of any girl names that I like! If we do end up with a girl I am going to need you all to help me come up with a name.

Will is somewhat set on the name Katherine (Katie). He even made me a CD last week full of songs with the name Katie in them. I do like the name Katie (I think of +katie+ whenever I hear it) but it may be a little too common for my taste (as if Jacob isn’t 😉 ). Will also likes the name Leah. We used to agree on that as our first choice girl name, but lately I don’t love it.

We are about to replace the flooring in our kitchen. I am super excited about it! We currently have tile, but it was put down poorly (it wasn’t even glued down), so when then had to rip up parts of it to fix our plumbing problem we convinced the seller that he needed to replace the flooring in its’ entirety. I am loving a dark sample of wood laminate that I found. I would LOVE real wood floors, but that is way out of the budget. The majority of people who have expressed their opinions have been anti-wood laminate, but I still want it so much more than tile. Still trying to decide….

For any Bachelor fans, who do you guys like? I am surprised, but I actually like Vienna!  I know they have given her a really positive edit, but I feel bad for her because of how the other girls treat her. I think Ally is the cutest one, but such a which. I can’t wait for next week–I think Ally leaves before the rose ceremony. Got to get my drama fix. 😉

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February 2, 2010

Enjoy the drive and the party. Any idea when you’ll find out about the job situation.. either staying where you are or getting the other one?

February 2, 2010

Wow, 2-year-olds would be such a change teaching wise! I bet you would be great at it though 🙂 I hope that the interview goes well!! 🙂

February 2, 2010

I don’t get the big deal about laminate wood. I mean, the big fuss, it looks nice! My ILs have an entire house of laminate wood. It’s lighter than I like but it still looks great!

February 2, 2010

oh, you think its Ali that leaves early? I wasn’t sure who it would be, but maybe even Vienna, since she is also the most tempermental if she doesnt get her jake fix in! I can kinda see glimpses of how immature Vienna is, like when she said to Gia on their 2/1 date, “well I have a really strong relationship with jake so….” I dont think Gia is the one for him, but I love Tenley lately for him!

February 2, 2010

I used to think I wanted a boy next, but after watching “keeping up with the kardashians” I can see how having sisters would be so fun too. Boys are kinda wild I think- maybe girls are more my speed! But maybe I cant handle the hormone drama of girls, blah! And I would die if a boy ever broke my girls heart. Or she got pregnant in HS. oh lordy.

February 3, 2010

I love wood laminate floors and would pick them over real hardwood if budget wasn’t an issue! They’re so low maintenance and durable 🙂 Also with all the ones you can get these days they can look really close to wood floors! I actually like Vienna too! Just because the other girls don’t like her doesn’t mean she isn’t a good match for Jake…I’m so sick of all the other girls complaining tohim about her! Ally is a BITCH!!!! Hate her LOL

February 3, 2010

My favorite ones are Tenley and Vienna. I can’t stand how MEAN and snotty Ali is. I was hoping he was going to send her home this week. I think it shows poor character the way the other girls pick on Vienna though. I’d think that would be a real turn-off to Jake. I know which girl is going home next week, but I won’t say anything because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone!

February 3, 2010

we have wood laminate I think. It’s not the linoleum that looks like wood, but it actually is real wood for the top like, inch of it, then some cheaper type of wood beneath. I like ours. I wouldn’t want it in the kitchen though…it can still warp if it gets wet

February 3, 2010

ryn: c, c, a 🙂

February 3, 2010

Vienna makes me ill! T… whatever her name is. She is the best. (i watched like half of an episode)

February 4, 2010

RE: Thanks, *HUGS*

February 4, 2010

I hope you can get the job! I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I love both of those names. My name is Kathryn so I might be a little biased. lol On the Bachelor, I really like Tenley and Gia. Vienna and Ali just bug me!

February 5, 2010

ryn: We put rice in her milk now for her morning and bedtime bottle. It def helps her sleep all night. I cannot believe your elementary kids are talking that way! What is this world coming to? Kids that age should have never even HEARD those words!

February 6, 2010

Ryn I actually live in south county south of Irvine. The wedding is my brothers thanks. I’m pretty excited about it.

February 6, 2010

RYN: The Tenth Circle. I once tried reading the book but wasn’t really into it. The movie was on Lifetime and was just ok. Isn’t that snow crazy?!?!

February 8, 2010

Ryn: I chewed them out. The girl they were making fun of didn’t get it but the boy did. Fortunately, the boy just immigratedfrom India and doesn’t yet understand the cruel workings of these kids so he won’t realize they are making fun of him.

February 10, 2010

Now you have to update with your thoughts on The Bachelor and Ali’s little drama, LOL.

February 12, 2010

Ryn: I actually have a bald spot. I had to part my hair on the opposite side to cover it up. I really needs to stop lol

February 23, 2010

Leah is beautiful but so is Katherine! Great names.