

 I am almost too tired to think these days. By the time I get home from school (which is usually around 5), I feel like it is 10 p.m.! Will and I used to stay up until close to midnight, and now I can hardly make it until 9. Will stays up way later than I do(so late that a lot of times he falls asleep on the couch and doesn’t come into bed until 2ish ). I miss going to bed together. I used to not be able to fall asleep unless he was in the bed with me. Once Jacob was born exhaustion took over and I could fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Sometimes I take Jacob out of his co-sleeper and cuddle with him because I miss having someone in the bed with me. I have been trying to get Will to go to bed early with me, but he says there is no way he can because he has to work on finances, pay bills, and all the other stuff he used to do while we watched t.v. at night.

 I feel such a lack of quality time with him. With us both working full time jobs, I feel like we are always gone doing our separate things. When we come home it’s like we take care of Jacob for a couple hours, go to bed, and do the same thing all over again the next day. His job requires him to work a few nights a week anyway, which sucks. We are in desperate need of a date, but I don’t want to leave Jacob with anyone. I hate leaving him while I go to work, and I don’t want to leave him anymore than I already have to.

School is school. I have to have a meeting with my principal because a parent is upset with me. Why is the parent upset with me? They are mad because I assign a weekly homework packet. Their kid probably has to do 10-15 minutes of homework a night from me. They have the packet for a whole week (including the weekend) and the whole thing could be done in a little over an hour. The parent never even talked to me. The first I heard they were upset was from the principal. Ugh. I hate that. I also hate that the principal actually indulged them by setting up a meeting with me rather than having them talk to me. They think that by assigning homework packets I am just giving parents more work to do. Okay, education is a team effort- especially at the elementary level. I am horrible at confrontation, but I am not going to back down on this homework packet issue.

One of the little boys in my class has a mom who makes and sells hair bows for little girls. We are talking about the really cutesy fancy ones. The little boy (Jackson) begged him mom to make me one. He even got to pick out the colors/materials! It looks like I will be a 27 year old teacher wearing an army colored lacey hairbow in my hair tomorrow.  Some of the gifts from first graders…..

Alright…I should get work done. Somehow the task of making a banner for tomorrow’s football game got passed from the cheerleader’s to me.

Oh, and I am super excited! My friend got engaged, and asked me to be her matron of honor! She is having two matron of honors, but she asked me to be the one standing right next to her!! I have never been an moh for anyone other than family before. YAY!

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October 8, 2008

Sounds like a good plan with the homework, and certainly nothing for them to get upset about… Good luck with everything, and I’m glad the family’s all doing well.

October 8, 2008

yey, an entry! I was wondering what you were up to. I am so exhausted too. sometimes when it gets to be 9pm and I havent been asleep yet I just cry. its sooo tiring never having more than 2 hours sleep at once! tell me he is sleeping through the night?? 🙂

October 9, 2008

the hair bow thing kind of cracks me up…sorry. As for the sleeping thing, I really hope you can work that out. It was a real problem for my husband and me..and never got better. The issue is that you are missing intimacy in your marriage when you don’t have that bedtime together. Not sex…intimacy. And marriage needs that. (I’m apparently great at telling people what makes a marriage gowrong…too bad I can’t seem to fix my own marriages…) And you have to suck up the babysitter thing. I understand the guilt part and not wanting to be away from Jacob, but in the grand scheme of things, one evening away from Jacob won’t be something that scars him (he won’t ever, ever remember…my kids barely remember the trip to Disney when they were 4 and 6)…but for your marriage, even one date night with real conversation can make a huge, huge difference. OK, enough advice. Good luck with the parent…you are right that it shouldn’t have escalated to the principal with out a parent-teacher talk first.

October 10, 2008

I think your homework is ENTIRELY reasonable. 10-15 minutes a night for a first grader isn’t bad at all. You should simply explain to her that reinforcement must happen at home for the children to master everything they need to master within one school year…it can’t ALL be done in the classroom. Explain that the homework isn’t just busy work, but that you take it up and it becomes part of…

October 10, 2008

…their grade. Also, see the principal prior to the conference, tell him what you’re going to say and ask him to back you up on the matter. Don’t back down, that is NOT too much homework, especially since you’re the only teacher that child has. It’s not like he/she has 8 classes with 15 minutes of homework per class! I really encourage you to see your principal beforehand

October 11, 2008

Parents are WAY too involved in their child’s school lives now. Seriously, our profs at uni tell us that they will not talk to our parents, and these people are at LEAST eighteen! I’m sure it’s so hard leaving Jacob with someone else, but is there a person who has a child around the same age? That way it can be like a play date of sorts for Jacob while you and Will reconnect. Everyone wins! :DAnd think how good you’ll feel about your relationship and Jacob’s social growth after! P.S. YEAY being in weddings! When is it?

October 14, 2008

This is gonna sound stupid. but I saw your note on Jen’s diary promising that the jiggly tummy would go away. PROMISE?? Mine’s like an old wrinkly floppy sack. What’s up? It will really go away right? kristen

November 15, 2008