My little man :)


I have been looking at his pictures all day long. I am still in a little bit of shock. I wonder why I had myself so convinced he was a she. I mean seriously, I was positive. Someday I will have to tell him how I spent the first five months of his life referring to him as a girl. Poor guy.

I am a little ashamed of my reaction to finding out he was a boy. When I got in the car I started bawling. It’s not even that I was really sad, it was just like my world had just reversed on itself. I hadn’t even begun to think about what being a mommy to a little boy would be like. Not that his being a boy is at all a bad thing, I was just surprised. I had spent countless amounts of time envisioning a little girl.

I think the reason I cried is because the whole ultra sound thing is actually pretty emotional. It is amazing to know that you are looking at a little person on that screen. A little person that is part you and part your husband. A little person that didn’t even exist five months ago, and now looks like a real baby!

I hate that the ultra sound tech can’t answer questions. I kept asking her if the baby looked healthy, or if certain body parts looked normal. I knew she wouldn’t be able to answer, but I was looking for any reassurance I could get.

I told her how I thought it was a girl. When she showed me his picture she was like "Well, there’s one leg and the other………and there’s the third leg!". My mouth dropped and I was like "whaat?" Are you sure that’s not a girl?". She kind of laughed at me and said she had never seen a girl who had those parts before.

Will and I are excited. I loved this baby so much before the ultra sound, but now he seems like so much more of a person to me. The pictures we got are pretty cute. In one of them he was scratching his little eyes. In another his mouth was opening and closing. I love him. I love him so unbelievably much. We hit 20 weeks today….halfway  to actually meeting him!!

So anyway…that’s the update.


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March 6, 2008

I cried when I found out my son was a son (I wanted a little girl) I had been a teacher and a nanny for years and had mostly girls and I bawled *what am I going to do with a boy* lol and actually it worked out perfect because I got my girl next and it is easier for her to wear his clothes than if it were reversed 🙂 and man o man are boys easier (at first lol)

March 6, 2008

good luck being a mommy 🙂

March 6, 2008

oh my gosh!! You have got to post the pictures. I’m dyin.

March 6, 2008

aww – congratulations! We were so sure our daughter was a boy – and we choose not to find out gender. We were secretly hoping for a girl, and we were so shocked when she was born 🙂 I’m a week and a bit behind you in pregnancy (I randomed in from the front page) and we are hopefully finding out this time… U/S is next week but I doubt the tech will let us in on the knowledge at the scan 🙂

March 6, 2008

I bet boys are easier to raise. haha.

March 6, 2008

Boys are fun, sometimes more fun than girls. I mean, you get to put them in little sailor suits and they have the BEST halloween costumes. Plus, their clothes are simple and usually, you don’t end up spending an arm and a leg on every cute little thing because they really don’t have a lot of options! I kind of had the same reaction, but I didn’t cry. I was just wanted a healthy baby, boy orgirl. I was like “it’s a boy? I felt like it was a girl the WHOLE time!”

March 6, 2008

How amazing! I can’t wait to start a family and go through these same things. Best of luck with everything that’s coming with this little guy 🙂

March 6, 2008

I hate to say it, but that is kind of funny. It’s definitely something that you will look back on and laugh about later. That must be extremely exciting though! All the best =)

March 6, 2008

that’s so exciting!! 🙂 congrats!!

March 6, 2008

how much love you have for this little boy just radiates through the screen. what a lucky little baby he is. i’m so happy for you Mindy! *hugs*

March 6, 2008

I can completely understand your emotions. I want a boy first, so I can imagine how I will feel a little….let down…I guess if my first one is a girl. I will love her like no one has ever loved anyone, but when you have your mind set on a certain thing, then you are just taken aback when it doesn’t turn out that way. Imagine how my parents felt when my mom was yelling “Cmon Michael!” and I..

March 6, 2008

…popped out as a Katie instead lol

Aw congrats on your future little boy!!

March 7, 2008

Awhe 🙂 I’d probably be the same way if I’d been hoping for a girl!

March 12, 2008

Congrats on your boy!!!! ryn: I’m not real sure how much i have gained but it’s only been a few pounds. I wouldn’t worry about it though my sister gained like 50 pounds with her first and she didn’t have it. My mom only gained 3 pounds with both me and my younger sis and she had gestational diabeties. But if your really worried about it then just cut down a bit on your carbs and sugers.