So this is Christmas…….

I can’t believe Christmas is in two days! It just doesn’t feel like it with the warm weather, and no family around. Will and I have been invited to one family’s house for Christmas Eve, and another for Christmas Day, which is nice, but will be more uncomfortable than comforting. This is my first Christmas ever without either my family, or the family of my significant other (the only other family I ever had Christmas with was Jeremy’s).

Last night a couple from our church took us and another couple out in their really nice boat!! We went to Newport Harbor to look at Christmas lights around the bay. Their boat was decorated with Christmas lights, we listened to Christmas music, and drank hot chocolate. It was so fun! Definitely not a Christmas time experience I am used to!

I had a sort of job interview on Friday. It’s all very tenative at this point, so I am trying not to get my hopes up. There is a Lutheran school about 15 minutes from us. The first grade teacher’s husband has cancer and it is looking she might either need a long term sub, or someone to complete out the rest of the school year. I think my interview went pretty well, but it’s not even a certainty that the teacher will need a sub. I almost feel guilty hoping that she does, because that will mean her husbands health is getting worse, but man would I love that job!!

My new nannying job isn’t working out as well as I had hoped. The kids are adorable, but the pay was a lot less than I had hoped for ($7.50 an hour). Also, their mom is super nice, but because she is on bedrest, she is ALWAYS on the couch in the living room, where all of the kids toys are.  I know she isn’t watching me, but I feel like I always have to be on guard. If I get the teaching job than I will have a valid reason to quit, otherwise I don’t think I will be able to bring myself to do it.

The baby seems to be doing well. Although to be honest I have no idea how to guage that. I have a doctor’s appt the day after Christmas. It will make me feel good to have her tell me everything is all right. We are almost at 10 weeks. I still have up and down feelings about having the baby. I am not doing well at all with the changes in my body, and there is just an overall fear of the commitment that Will and I have already made for the next 18 years.   This isn’t to say I am not thankful for the baby. I am. I am just feeling scared and unprepared.

Hope all is well with everybody!!!

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December 23, 2007

I am sure that it is tough to be out in CA without your family there for Christmas. But just think, you are starting new traditions with you and Will… and next Christmas you’ll have a baby! $7.50/hour?? Seriously? I think it might be time to look for a new babysitting job! Especially for you with a college degree and a year or so of teaching experience. You deserve more than that!!

December 23, 2007

that’s great that people have invited you for Christmas eve and day, even if you decide not to go. It’s nice to have people invite you to do things when you don’t have many friends and family around. I hope the job thing works out for you, although that’s not to say that I hope the other teacher’s husband health gets worse. Merry Christmas!! 🙂

December 23, 2007

I’m sure that everyone feels scared an unprepared. Heck I feel that way a lot of days when I get out of bed. You’ll learn and do fine!

December 23, 2007

$7 is an insult, you are a teacher!! they should be giving you at least double that. and, xmas in Cali is always like that. you’ll get your own traditions.

December 24, 2007

Wow $7.50 is cheap! I hope you figure something out soon. It doesn’t even feel like Christmas here and it’s freezing out (with snow all over!) and ryn: I’ll post them when I got back. I have really good luck at Kohls. We have also found some at Old Navy. They’re all greens, reds, browns, yellows. I’ll be sure to post those when I get back next week-remind me!!

January 4, 2008