
I am in such a baby state of mind lately. I guess that’s normal, but  I must warn you faves, my entries will probably be full of talk about babies. What are your favorite names for babies? Both boys or girls. Leave me a note and let me know.

I subbed yesterday for a fifth grade class. It was the day before Thanksgiving break. Insanity. Also, I was subbing for a science teacher, and I know literally nothing about the subject. We were dissecting owl pellets (aka owl vomit) to find the bones of the rodents it had eaten. Seriously. The kids each had their own pellet and were supposed to find enough bones to put together the skeleton of a mouse. I was beyond out of my element. Oh well. The kids were awesome, such a fun group. A girl told me I was pretty, which with the amount of hideousness I have been feeling lately, made my week.

Will’s family is coming on Wednesday. I am so excited to see them!!! This is ridiculous,  but I am afraid they will think I look fat. I can’t even believe I am typing that. I am hardly showing, maybe not even showing at all. Also, why do I care if they think I look fat?!?! I am having a baby! I need to work on my priorities. Today is the first day I haven’t weighed myself in years.

Hope everyone is having a good day!!!

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November 17, 2007

Thanks for the add 🙂 I had to go back and read over the pregnancy stuff! Congratulations sweetie, I think this is a really positive thing for you 🙂 Girl names I love Holly and Chloe, and boy names I like William, James and Oliver. I also love the name Jamie for a girl! xxxxxxxx

November 17, 2007

If they think you look fat, they are evil, rude people. You are pregnant and you are feeding yourself and your child. Do they know you are pregnant? If anything, they will probably try to say you’re showing just because they wish you were lol. I did that to my SIL, and I think it might have hurt her feelings because I would swear she was showing, and she really wasn’t, so she took it as her…

November 17, 2007

…being chubby. lol

November 17, 2007

I didn’t know you were pregnant!! Congrats! I’m so excited for you guys 🙂

November 17, 2007

I love reading your entries about being pregnant and all the thoughts that go with it… It’s giving me insight into what I might expect down the road, when we start trying 😉 As for names: Kathryn, Autumn, Jacob, Elliot (esp as a middle name)

November 17, 2007

i have a lot of names i like, hard to pick! but i’d have to say my fave boy name is Boston. and for girls i really like Amira as of late

November 17, 2007

how exciting!! you are so cute. a kid told you you were pretty and you feel honored: I am the SAME way girl!! 🙂 we had to dissect owl pellets. of course we didnt know what the bones were, so we made it up (arm here, leg there, etc!)

November 17, 2007

I like the name Ethan and Elijah, but Jordan doesn’t. We were going to name Cameron Allison or Caitlyn if he was a girl, but we didn’t have to worry about that. Atleast we had the name for a boy picked out. It was easiest.

Random Noter ~ Hi. I’m currently trying to get pregnant. And me and my boyfriend love the name “Hailey Leeanne” for a girl. We’re going for Edward Lee JR so.. yeah you wouldn’t want that name. LOL But I just love our girl name. 🙂

November 17, 2007

I’m sure you are very excited and thinking all about baby stuff!! I would be too!! so exciting!!! 🙂

November 17, 2007

Pregnant women are beautiful… don’t worry about your weight! (I know, easier said then done.)…. I love reading you so much… and I hate to ask, but if you aren’t overly selective on who’s on your favorites, can I be on? I’m not too boring… at least I don’t think so!

November 17, 2007

Does his family know yet? n

November 17, 2007

I LOVE the names Hannah and Jake… they are my favorite! 🙂

November 17, 2007

ryn: lol, so funny. What’s crazier is that my friend is over and we’re listening to the Southern Miss game and I’m talking about past games and players, etc, and she’s like “Why on earth didn’t you go into sports management or something, you would be perfect for that!” and I was like “because, you know what, when i’m teaching transitive and intransitive verbs and a kid goes “OMG I get it!”…

November 17, 2007

….and my day is MADE. This is why I teach.

November 19, 2007

*hugs* I hope your visit with them is nice!

November 20, 2007

ryn: lol it’s ok hun, I don’t expect you to pay that close of attention. My life isn’t that exciting lol!! Steven hasn’t officially gotten the job, but we made the decision in the beginning of November to take the leap of faith and move whether he had the job or not, simply because there aren’t any jobs in Hattiesburg for him, PERIOD, so there is no reason to stay here with rent that has…

November 20, 2007

skyrocketed and small, cramped houses START at $200,000 (I know that’s chump change compared to California, but when I’m still only making $32K a year, there’s no way we could afford a house on my salary alone). Our house in Meridian will only be $300/month since its a family house on family land…we have a big ol’ yard and we’re out in the country again, where both of us grew up. However…

November 20, 2007

…we got an email from a former classmate of Steven’s who is currently working where Steven wants a job. She said that they found out in a meeting yesterday that there were going to be three positions opening up in Meridian and were going to be filled at the first of the year. immediately after the meeting, she told her boss that Steven would be perfect for the job, and her boss said that he…

November 20, 2007

…was thinking the same thing (He knows Steven because Steven did an internship under him the summer we got married). SO, the guy at the state offices knows Steven by name and exactly who he is and what job he wants, as does the regional guy in Meridian, so we’re thinking that there’s a huge chance he is going to get this job, unless they both totally screw him over! *crosses fingers*

November 20, 2007

Who the heck cares if they think you look fat? So what? I have come to learn that being skinny is not the most important thing in the world and we should never try to please other people. They aren’t trying to look good for you – are they? I am sure that you will be gorgeous even if you gained 50 pounds! You could never be “fat”. Seriously. Don’t worry about what other people think! That will drive you nuts. You just care for that baby and yourself. My favorite girl name is Ana Rose. My favorite boy name is Alexander or Dominick and they would be called Alex or Nick for short.

November 20, 2007

ryn: i didn’t, but I read another diarist’s entry on it because I don’t have time to watch it before like, Sunday. I can’t believe he didn’t pick either one of them! I hated Deanna, but I kind of liked Jenni. Not a ton, but I liked her better. I liked Sheena best out of all of them, but her family was kind of weird lol Bettina’s family was just a bunch of JERKS!

November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂 i left you baby names on the previous entry 🙂