
I am really anxious to find out how far along I am. I am excited to go the the gyno on the 27th so that I can get questions answered, fears calmed, all that good stuff. Wow, I didn’t think I’d be hearing myself say I was excited about the gyno for another year or two.

I am amazed at how God has given me peace about eating. I have been eating roughly 2,200 (mostly) healthy calories every day, and to throw out the scale…I need to do that before I start gaining and freaking out. I am not at all satisfied with my body, but it’s not about me anymore. Of course it’s much easier for me to type that than to remember it.

Will and I have been working out everyday. Anyone have advice on working out during pregnancy? I love the elliptical, so I usually do that for a half hour and then the stationary bike for 30-40 minutes. Is that a healthy amount?

TMI: I am so uninterested in sex.  It’s not even that so much as I am afraid of it. Isn’t that ridiculous? I am just afraid it will hurt me physically, or will complicate things with the baby. I KNOW that isn’t logical thinking, but I can’t get it out of my head.

We have already started thinking about names….I know it’s a little early…. What do you guys think about Marissa? or Leah? Any other suggestions? If we have a boy we don’t have much of a choice…..Will is actually Karl William the fourth, so our baby will be the fifth. I need a nickname if it’s a boy because I do not like Karl at all!! Maybe we will just call him Will like his dad??

Keep praying and thinking healthy thoughts! Love you faves!

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November 15, 2007

awww!! I like both those girl names a lot. I like Marissa better by a smidgen!! im so excited to read about your pregnancy. I’m glad to hear you’re healthy!

November 16, 2007

OMG you’re pregnant???? Please can I be added to your faves, because I read all your public entries but I had NO idea about this! And Marissa and Leah are both cute names 🙂 xxxxxxxx

November 16, 2007

i like both names! marissa the best though! i’m glad to hear you’re eating healthy and doing well!

November 16, 2007

So exciting 🙂 I like the name Leah a lot… and Hannah Mae and Emma. Isn’t Bill a nickname for William, too? I like the name Will though but it might be confusing to have two Wills in your life!

November 16, 2007

Congrats! Can we say Honeymoon period baby 😉 teehee. From my understanding, most woman have that concern about sex and the baby. So your normal:D But it would probably make you feel better hearing it from your gyno 🙂 Wow, life has changed tremendously for your in the last year 🙂

November 16, 2007

WOW, I did not know you were pregnant! Congratuations!! I LOVE the name Marissa. I know there is a little boy at church and he’s the Thrid. So they call him Tray (I’m sure that means #3 in french). Maybe you can find a cool name, in another language that means #5 or fifth??

November 16, 2007

I like Leah better than Marissa :). And if you’re following in tradition, you could always call the baby Liam for short. I love that name :D. I’m not 100% sure about working out when you’re pregnant, but I think the elliptical is okay. Yoga is really good too (there’s specific prenatal and postnatal workouts), as is walking, pilates and swimming.

November 16, 2007

you could just call him William? or Billy?

November 16, 2007

if you name the boy Karl William, you could always got with Bill or Billy while he’s little instead of Will. or just call him Junior lol – again I’m praying for ya and am soo excited for you!

November 16, 2007

You can continue to work out the same as before, especially in the early months. Just keep hydrated. As for sex, it’s normal to worry, I think. I like Leah a lot. You could call a boy Liam…since it’s the end of William.

November 16, 2007

Congrats!!! That is truly exciting news that you are pregnant. My friend’s little boy was the fifth, so they called him Quinn as a nickname

November 16, 2007

Congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly & just the way you want. I’ll be reading! 🙂

November 16, 2007

i’m so glad that your eating is good so far..and i think it’s a good idea to throw out the scale. that will just mess with your head when you gain weight with the pregnancy (even if it is normal weight). i dunno anything about working out during pregnancy, but i think there are whole magazines devoted to that, maybe you could subscribe to one 🙂

November 17, 2007

how exciting!!! 🙂 I hope your appt goes well! and that’s great that you are eating better!

November 18, 2007

Whoa…I just realized that you are having a baby! that’s excellent news! Congrats!