I can never come up with a title :)

Today was the first day I have felt "normal" since we’ve moved here. I got to sub for a first grade classroom. It felt so good to be doing something that was familiar (even if it is in a different state at a different school). For the first time in a month I felt like I mattered and that I was doing something I was good at. I was sad at the end of the day, knowing it was only a one day sub job. I subbed at the school where Will is a pastor. He came and ate lunch with us and when the kids realized he was my husband they thought it was the neatest thing ever. Also, a lady made a weird comment to me today: "Oh, so you’re Pastor Will’s wife–the envy of every single woman in this congregation"……flattering (I think?), but awkward.

Random weirdness: I am writing this in the lobby/rec room of my apartment complex(the internet works better here than at our place). There is a guy on the couch a few feet away from me who is clearly messed up. He looks like he’s been crying and he’s drinking straight from a bottle of whisky. I feel like I should talk to him, but it’s weird. We are the only two people in this room and I am afraid he would be totally offended if I said something to him. He keeps looking over like he wants to talk….we will see, I guess.

Things with Will are amazing!! I love the time that I get to spend with him. My favorite is at night when he comes home–we work out together, cook dinner, and then watch DVD’s of our favorite shows. He just got me hooked on "One Tree Hill".

I am slowly starting to feel like Cali is home. It feels like Fall at night here–I love that!!

Alright…time to try to talk to the guy and workout…….maybe one of those two will be productive…….

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Yeah, that lady’s comment was definitely awkward, even if it was flattering! Weird. Let us know how it goes if you talk to that guy. I’m curious about that.

October 11, 2007

So, did you talk to the guy? I’m glad to hear that things are becoming more comfortable there.

October 11, 2007

Yes, awkward, but oh so flattering!!!! 🙂 I hope you knock them dead in your subbing so they’ll hire you next year!!!

October 15, 2007

Did you talk to the guy? What happened?? You are so disciplined to work out. I haven’t done that in years.

October 17, 2007

ryn: yep, I know that you know EXACTLY how I feel hun!! It’s nice to know that someone does!!