
<—- real entry that way

I took this from colder 🙂 Thanks Mark!!

23 deep questions that will really tell you something. Not stupid questions like "How Old Are You?"

1. What is more difficult for you, looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

I am such an eye contact person. Someone once told me that people don’t think you’re listening to them if you don’t look at them when they are speaking. Plus, the eyes can tell you so much abut the way a person is feeling. Neither is difficult for me.

2. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. Why were you angry?
Most of the things I get angry about are pretty petty, and I tend to get over them fairly quickly. I guess the last time I got REALLY angry was a pileup of things that happened with Amber. It wasn’t one incident….. I think I a lot more moody than normal with all of the wedding stuff going on. Not a good excuse.

3. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You get enough time to make ONE phone call. Who would you call?

Just one? My dad.

the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. (1) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? (2) What do you do with your remaining days? (3) Would you be afraid?

I would definitely tell my family, and I would spend my remaining days with them and with Will. I would be terrified, but secure in the fact that when I died I would be in Heaven.

5. You can have one of the following two things: trust/love. Which do you choose?

Love without trust wouldn’t be real love….so I guess I would choose trust.

6. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late even once more, you are fired. Do you save it?

I probably wouldn’t save the dog myself, but I would make sure someone was taking charge. Wow, that’s selfish of me.

7. You are unfaithful to your spouse/significant other. Do you tell him/her?

It would be really hard to not tell them. I guess I would assess the situation….under what circumstances was I unfaithful? Was I drinking and ended up kissing a stranger, or was I actually interested in another person? It might not be beneficial to tell him if I just kissed someone. It all depends on the seriousness of the relationship too I guess.  I can’t imagine myself ever being unfaithful to Will…so hopefully this is something I will NEVER have to think about.

8. If you had one wish what would it be(and more wishes don’t work)?

I would wish that whenever Will and I decide we are ready to have kids that they would be healthy, and not negatively affected by anything my eating disorder has damaged.

9. Think of the last person who you know that died. You have the chance to give them 1 hour of life back, but you have to give one year of your life. Do you do it?

It depends on how old I was originally going to be when I died. If I was going to be 90 or above, then sure. If I was to die next year, then no. The last person I know who passed died in a horrible accident. If he could have an hour of his life back, I would want it to be an hour where he was in no pain and was able to talk with his family.

Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?

Sometimes. I care about my friends a lot, but I am kind of a loner and don’t always like to go out. That definitely frustrates a lot of them.


Does love=sex?


. Your boss tells your co-worker that they have to let them go because of work shortage, and they are the newest employee. You have been there much longer. Your co-worker has a family to support and no other means of income. Do you go to your boss and offer to leave the company?

No, I would assume the decision was thought out. Perhaps the boss knows more about the situation than I do. I would feel for my co-worker and do what I could to help them get back on their feet, but you can’t just switch job for job.

13. When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you feel?

It’s not very often that I tell people in the real world what I am really feeling. The exceptions are my dad and Will. They know it all.

Which would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?

I think it would be just about equal. Both would be hard.

15. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose?

Seeing my family on a regular basis. I am very close to them and love that I can see them whenever I want. That is about to change though!

Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them?

Maybe yesterday. My family is very open about saying I love you to eachother.

I you had to go back in time and change one thing, if you HAD to, even if you have "no regrets" what would you change?

A lot of things. I would have ended my relationship with Jeremy way earlier than I did. I wouldn’t have treated Brock like a doormat. I wouldn’t have relied on guys and the attention they gave me to make me feel good about myself. I would have been less selfish.

Imagine. It is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you?

A policeman? Haha.

19. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying?

Sure, but I would hope I had something to use as a barrier (as I would with any stranger).

u are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other which one would it be?

I’d pick the baby.

Are you old fashioned?

In some ways.

22. Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before?

I would choose the true love. Broken relationships teach you so much about yourself, and cause you to grow.

23. If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?

I would wish to be content.

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Very insightful

August 14, 2007

i think i’ll do this later… i like it! you’re getting married so soon!!!!

August 14, 2007

Hey sweetie. Great answers. I am so glad that you know your are going to heaven. Amen to that! How have you been? How is your eating disorder now? I really do hope that your kids will be healthy. *HUGS*

August 14, 2007

im so stealing this 🙂

August 17, 2007

I like this survey. I might do this one.

August 17, 2007

ryn: it took me quite a while to be that comfortable calling parents. One thing I learned was to write down a few positive things about the child, and start out with those, gushing about how great he/she was with those things, then be like “however, the reason I am calling is…” and go into the things that need to be fixed. I had a lot of bad phone calls last year and learned from my mistakes!