
My trip to Cali was AWESOME!!!!  It was so great to be with Will!! Only five weeks until we get married! It’s a strange feeling I have of utter excitement and total fear. It’s not like I alternate between the two feelings-I am in a constant state of a mixture of them. Hopefully I feel like a bride is supposed to!

Will had to work while I was there, so we really only got to spend our evenings together. It was fine, and I was more than content to have any time at all! I enjoyed being completely lazy while he was at work.

My flights got delated Monday and so I didn’t get there until late at night. Yuck. Will was SOOOOO excited to see me! We were that cheesy couple kissing and hugging like we hadn’t seen eachother in months! Haha. Oh well.

We spent Tuesday night (the night my brother was in town) checking out "The Square" which is an outdoor shopping mall/tons of restaurants/movie theatre within walking distance of our new apartment.  After that we went back to the *beautiful* place where Will is living and went in the hot tub.

Wednesday we spent the evening at Laguna Beach. It’s about 25 minutes away from where we live. I like the atmosphere there a lot and can see myself spending time there–esp. if I make some good girlfriends who would want to shop/hang out with me there etc.

I came home yesterday. Ahh..such a short trip.

Another bridal shower tomorrow. After looking at our apartment again while in Cali I realized I am definitely going to have to return a lot of our gifts.  Our place is cute, but tiny. I don’t care though–I am just excited to live together!!

Still haven’t started the birth control…I need to get on that or we are going to have baby Hanke’s running around nine months after our wedding! 🙂

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July 27, 2007

I’m glad you’re trip went well! You’re so lucky getting to live in Cali it must be beautiful out there and the shopping!!! lol

July 27, 2007

I’m glad the trip went well!

July 27, 2007

I think you’re going to end up loving it out there 🙂 Get on that birth control, girl!!!

July 28, 2007

Cali is aweosme. you’ll wonder what you’ve been doing all along!! i saw how cold your proposal situation looked!! brr!! condoms work just fine, use those in the meantime!! i cant wait to hear of your first experience. also, OC rules. wait till you see all the HIDDEN beauty in san diego!! we should hang out. 🙂

July 28, 2007

I’m glad you had such a great time!

you don’t know me but i used to read tim’s diary way back when. i notice he hasn’t updated since march. is everything okay with him? just curious. it had me a little worried when i thought to check up on his diary.

RYN: great, thanks for the update. what’s his myspace page? maybe i’ll contact him through that instead… 🙂