Check Out My Engagement Pics!!!

Yay! Our engagement pics are up online.

Check them out and tell me what you think!! Any opinions on which ones we should choose? We are having one blown up to have people sign at the reception—ideas?? 🙂

Oh, and I am biased, but seriously, isn’t Will the most handsome man in the world??!?!??!!

To see them go to:

Once there click on the red box on the bottom of the page that says online ordering.

From there go to engagement pics.

Click on my name–Melinda

My password is 111353

If you click on the arrow on the right side you can look through all the pics…there are around 52ish! No pressure to look through them all! 🙂

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You look absolutely radiant and Will is definitely a hottie!!!! Aww great pix, thanks for sharing!!!!!!

July 12, 2007

24, 48, and 52-bw those are my faves!! They look fantastic, you are gorgeous, and Will is definitely very handsome!! 🙂

July 12, 2007

What beautiful pictures!

July 12, 2007

The two of you look so happy! I loved 6 & 9 the best because the background seemed so natural! However, 53 is adorable too! n

July 12, 2007

4, 29, and 52. i think 29 is my favorite of all. you guys are so cute!

July 12, 2007

Those are beautiful! I like the ones outside the best. I like numbers 10, 12, 31 and 51… but of course they are all wonderful and you look so perpetually happy!!! 🙂

July 12, 2007

I agree with “telltale heart” 🙂 I am a fan of black and white pics for the collage.. we are doing that too. It looks stunning with black pen signatures against a black and white photo!

July 12, 2007

My vote is for 53, 29 or 30 and 5. 🙂 Beautiful pictures. 🙂 U guys look wonderful together. 🙂 Congratulations 🙂 Wills cute..I wouldn’t call him handsome but cute. 🙂 As for you ? LOL he’d probably refer to you as his HOT WIFE huh ? 😉

July 12, 2007

*random noter* You look SO happy! 🙂 I liked quite a few 27,29,44,51 and 53. 🙂

July 12, 2007

i like the first three and the last one, i guess i just like that pose

July 12, 2007

the pictures are great. I like it when you can see your left hand in the picture so we can kinda see your ring 🙂 they are engagement pictures after all! you both look great though!

July 14, 2007

I can’t decide which one I like best! You both look great in every single one.

July 15, 2007

You guys look sooooo happy! Congrats!

July 15, 2007

I love those pictures! 31/32, 38/39, and especially 53 and 55 are my favourites. 53 and 55 are probably my msot favourite because I really enjoy pictures where couples are affectionate and you can see how much they love each other. Also, you are gorgeous–and I love your dress!