
I wish I could remember how I thought about things when I was in fourth grade. Sometimes my kids act so much like mini-adults that it’s hard for me to remember their emotional/academic maturity level. I always feel like I am walking the line–I never want to give them more real world information than they are ready to handle, but at the same time I realize that they aren’t nearly as naive as my first graders were. I can’t for the life of me remember my maturity level in fourth grade……..random, I know.

My kids have been better the past couple of days. I found out Andrew hadn’t been taking his ADD medicine, which accounts for why he was so off. Matthew and Kelsey continue to be Matthew and Kelsey, but I have seen glimpses of positive behavior from Kelsey. James (one of my low acadmemic students) hates reading, but I introduced him to a new author, and he has read TWO chapter books this week! His mom told me she doesn’t know what has gotten into him, but he has been wanting to read instead of play or watch T.V!  I love love love seeing his newfound excitement over reading. I hope it lasts.

I am becoming increasingly nervous about the future. Will is leaving in FIVE weeks. I feel like we have 80 million things to take care of before he leaves.

Alright..time to work.

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May 3, 2007

It will feel like you have 80 million things to do until you actually get to say “I do”. Write lists. Many many lists. You will never regret the lists. Also, theknot.com has a good checklist. I used it and didn’t forget anything.

May 3, 2007

hmm, i requested 3rd or 4th for my student teacher placement for next semester, it’ll be interesting to see where i end up… (i worked in a 3rd grade classroom for a total of 40 hours this year, for a field placement and i loved it).. we’ll see

May 4, 2007

doesn’t it feel great when all these positive things happen???? I gave a student “The Outsiders” to read. It took him a while to read it, but he read it, and I was so proud. He related to it, b/c he is kind of a trouble maker.