
I volunteered(er..got asked and don’t know how to say no) to direct this year’s school talent show, so that has been pretty much been consuming my time and life this past week. We have our dress rehearsal at 1:00 today, and the real show at 7:00 p.m. I wil be so happy when this thing is over with! The program is going to be so long though. We have 25 acts. The kids are cute, but really how many karaoke versions of High School Musical(or something similar) can one person stand to listen to? I guess we’ll find out tonight.

We had a YoYo assembly at school yesterday. Almost all of the kids in my class bought YoYo’s and now they all keep talking about this trick they learned-it’s called walking the dog. Everytime they ask me to watch them "walk the dog" I think back to a Dawson’s Creek episode where Joey was talking to Dawson about walking the dog in reference to masturbation. Can’t get it out of my head. I hope they learn some new tricks soon.

I did decide to go to Mexico. I am leaving next Friday. I have SO much to do before then, but I am really excited!!

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but Will and I picked out a different engagement ring for me. It came in yesterday and it is BEAUTIFUL! I can’t stop looking at my hand!

Jeremy and his wife are coming into town this weekend. He is staying with our mutual friends Brandon and Camille. I am trying not to think about it—not really succeeding.

I had a job interview yesterday. It was for a teaching job in Kansas City. I was way nervous, but I guess it went okay. They know I could only come there if Will gets the job in KC, otherwise we will be off to California. If we go to Cali I am definitely going back to school to get my masters in counseling. Either way I will be happy. I will either teach in KC, or go to school and work part time in California. Plus, I will be with my super cute awesome husband, so life will be good.

Planning period over….at least it’s Friday.

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March 9, 2007

ahh you’re so lucky to get to go to California!! I’ve always wanted to at least visit there but living there would be pretty cool I think.

March 9, 2007

yaya for friday.

March 9, 2007

It’s really awesome that you have a plan that you will be happy with whichever way it goes! I vaguely remember the walk the dog reference, but I don’t remember the surrounding conversation :P. You should take a picture of your ring and post it. I’m super curious what it looks like! How goes the wedding planning?

March 9, 2007

so you have a picture of your new ring?? Glad you decided to go to mexico.. you’ll have a great time!! 🙂

March 9, 2007

hey so what are you doing with the old ring?? and, i remember that DC episode… i thought it as soon as you said the “walking the dog” yoyo trick!! LOL! mexico is the best.

March 9, 2007
March 10, 2007

I hope you have fun in Mexico! I wish I could take a trip to mexico. Anyway hope everything else is going well. I wanna see a picture of this ring you are talking about.:) Tim

March 13, 2007

I love how excited you are about your life, it’s fantastic 🙂 And yes! Pictures of ring! And dress! And all things wedding!