
I have nothing substantial to write about. I am crazy in love and that pretty much consumes most of my thoughts. I am such a cheezy girl. Will has been on a cruise all week and I miss him so much.I have so much respect for people who do long distance relationships. I am talking to you Whitney.

I have an interview for a first grade teaching job in Kansas City. I am interviewing just in case that is the church Will ends up going to. We feel pretty confident that we will be in California, but if we are in KC I think I have a good shot at the teaching job. The two grades they are interviewing for are first and fourth grade, the two grades I have experience in. I guess I would take either if offered, but I really really want first.

Jeremy and his wife are visiting St. Louis next weekend. I have no reason to be bothered by this, and yet I am. I just don’t like the idea of him being here—it’s too close. He will be hanging out with our mutual friends. I  know I won’t see him, but knowing he is here makes me uneasy.

My dad is having surgery today. He broke his leg last week. He fell on the only patch of ice in our entire driveway. My mom was in the shower and he didn’t want to disturb her, so my neighbor helped him into the car and he drove himself to the emergency room. Only my dad…..

It’s almost Friday!!

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March 1, 2007

*laughing* your Dad didn’t want to “disturb” your mom? He broke his leg! I pray that his surgery goes well! Good luck at your interview!

March 1, 2007

you are not cheesy, i think it’s awesome you are so in love and it’s not unusual for it to consume your thoughts 🙂 i can’t believe your dad, that is so like a man 🙂

March 1, 2007
March 1, 2007

Long distance relationships are NO fun at all. It has been so very hard to be 1200 miles away from the man that I love. It hurts every day.

March 1, 2007

haha your dad is hilarious! What’s funny about being in the same city as Wes again is that if I don’t see him for a couple of days or he goes on a vacation, I miss him like crazy. You’d think I’d be able to handle a week after handling three months, but nope :P. I think it would be so awesome if one of your friends said to Jeremy, “Oh, yeah, Mindy’s engaged/her fiancee is so awesome/she is so happy,” blah blah, tooting your horn to him. I don’t know why, but I think it would be. <3

March 1, 2007

I’ll bet your mom wanted to break his other leg 🙂

March 1, 2007

My dad did the exact same thing:) Went out to get the paper (with bare feet) and managed to fall on the only piece of ice on the driveway. How you dad feels better!

March 1, 2007

haha your dad is funny. im glad you’re so happy! dont apologize, be glad you are happy, it seems not many people are these days ;-/

March 4, 2007

Aww that’s kind of cute of your dad. Crazy, but cute! AND we want pics of the dress! Post! California would be awesome – I am determined to also one day live in a place where it is summer all season long!