
I feel like I have nothing to write about in this thing lately. I guess with the ending of all boy drama over the past few years, my life has kind of gotten routine. I am more than happy with that.

I can’t wait to get away from this school next year. I have had about all I can take of the new principal. I supported him in the beginning. I wanted to give him a fair shot. I defended him when everyone else ridiculed him. I’m over it now. I sent him three e-mails addressing concerns I had with the evaluation he gave me. I would have only sent him one, but he never responded or acknowledged anything. I asked him to double check my attendance at staff bible studies and communion because that is a category he gave me a "needs improvement" mark in. He did check, and told me I had been present at all but two of them the entire year. These things are twice a week. Since when is missing two worthy of a "needs improvement" in attendance?! All he told me was that I had only missed two–never mentioned that he would change my evaluation, which is what I have asked him to do. Even if he told me that he wouldn’t change or reconsider my evaluation, fine. Just at least tell me something. I wouldn’t care about this stupid evaluation at all if it wasn’t for the fact that I will be looking for another teaching job next year. It looks bad–pastor’s wife who needs improvement in her church involvement. Not good.

This is a negative entry…..it really isn’t a reflection of how I am feeling right now. Life is so good. I love Will so much–more every day!! I am getting SO excited that in just seven months we will be married!!!!!

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February 6, 2007

You could post wedding ideas instead. I love that sort of thing. 😉

February 6, 2007

This is one of my pet peeves – people who don’t respond to emails. Grrr.

February 6, 2007

I think you should ask him to have a quick meeting with you over your evaluation–it’s unfair of him to mark you the way he did, and it’s unfair that it may affect your future. I agree with Punkarelli, too–I love wedding stuff, and don’t tire easily of it!

February 6, 2007

Wow that’s very unprofessional, but considering my boyfriend, who is job hunting, is experiancing the same “no response” after multiple attempts…maybe that is professionalism today. That is frustrating. Good luck!

February 6, 2007

I totally understand what you’re saying. You’re right, he needs to change it!!

February 6, 2007

its ok to vent… how about some wedding updates?

February 6, 2007

Gah! I get s frustrated when people finally answer my e-mail, but then don’t answer the question. I hope he changes it! Keep on asking until he does!

February 6, 2007

i’m glad you are happy overall..that doesn’t mean you won’t still have things that upset you, and that’s what your OD is for 🙂 your principle sounds really immature and like he’s not really cut out for his job..i hope he changes your evaluation!