
I got a note from one of my parents today asking me to excuse their child from his homework because they were out late at a concert last night. I would say I get an avverage of one excuse note a week from this particular family.  I have a hard time justifying the excuse when the student had all weekend to complete their homework. Who cares if they went to a concert last night. Shouldn’t the homework have been started before 7:00 p.m. on Sunday night anyway? Not to mention the kid is useless today because he is so tired. I have decided I will not grade his work with a late penalty, but that he will have to do the homework during his recess time today. The kid is mad. I know his parents will be too, but that’s the homework policy. It’s not fair to let him have recess and make other kids without their homework sit out.

I had an AWESOME weekend with Will. I love that boy so much it’s ridiculous!! Friday we went to a chocolate bar that specializes in desserts and dessert adult beverages. It was probably more expensive than worth it, but we had fun. Saturday we booked our reception hall!! We ended up with a place that is $42 a head, not too bad considering that includes a four hour full open bar. The things I am most excited about (which Will makes fun of me for) are the man in the white coat/hat who carves the roast beef, and the champagne fountain we are getting. I am so so so excited. The reception is going to be beautiful!!! My parents are too good to me!

My kids are doing so well today….knock on wood.

One of the kids(a second grader) said to me the other day… "Hi Miss Truesdell–soon to be Mrs. Truesdell."  They haven’t quite figured out the name change thing yet.

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January 29, 2007

Kids are too cute sometimes, huh?

January 29, 2007

I think you’re doing the right thing to have the student do their homework during recess. So exciting about the reception hall! Hope your day continues to go well 🙂

January 29, 2007

I need to start saving for my daughter’s wedding. Now. She’s 8, and I thought the college fund was enough. But obviously I was wrong. Goodness.

January 29, 2007

You’re doing the right thing with that child.Have fun with the reception hall.

January 29, 2007

hehe that’s a cute comment. The parents may be mad, but the fact is, you’re the teacher and you have policies so they have to respect that. TS (tough shit) for them. I’d be excited about the champagne fountain, too. In fact, I get excited about chocolate fountains for fondue! I can’t wait to see pictures of your wedding!

January 29, 2007

yeah.. its the little things that make it special… mine was the mardi gras dance we had… everyone was talking about it.. i love a year later people still say it was the best wedding they have ever been too!

January 29, 2007

i want a champagne fountain! you guys are moving along really quickly with all the wedding stuff, it’s exciting! i’m so excited for you!

January 29, 2007

heheh thats so cute about what the kid called you. psssh, I would write a note back to that parent telling them that he had all weekend to do the homework and keeping their child out late wasn’t really your problem. then give the note to the principal and see what they think. mine would be like “psshh whatever, dock him points”

January 30, 2007

I’m so excited for you! I’m glad to hear that your week is going well. I ended up cleaning the entire evening to try to get my mind clear. LOL.. I don’t know if it worked or not but I got dirty.:) Tim