
I am trying something new with my kids today. It’s working so far, but it’s only 10:30. They have the chance to earn five minutes of recess during every subject today. If they are participating, well behaved, etc. then at the end of the period I will add five to the total on the board. At the end of the day I am going to give them a recess using however many minutes they earned. They don’t usually get a recess at that time, and they seem pretty pumped about it. Here’s hoping…..

I got my formal teaching evaluation from my principal yesterday. It wasn’t nearly as good as last year’s, but I guess can’t compare them because they were based on two separate scales and principals. I got a mark that I need improvement in my church involvement. I took major offense to that. He told me that I don’t attend Thursday morning staff communion, which is totally false.  He also said that outside of my teaching I am not involved in any church committees. That one is true, but I spend the majority of my life here as it is. I have to put time and effort into my relationship with Will, and I do a lot of ministry stuff with him. He gave me avarage marks in embracing the mission and vision of the school.  Isn’t that what I did when I took on teaching a grade I didn’t even want? Wasn’t that embracing the vision of the school? He also said I use to much of a text book based approach. I somewhat disagree with that comment, but if I do use the textbook approach, it’s only because I am doing fourth grade curriculum for the first time. How am I supposed to just magically know what concepts are to be taught/mastered in fourth grade?! Sadly, the evaluation reaffirmed what I already feel about myself as a teacher this year–not good enough. The only area where I got really high marks was positive student-teacher and parent-teacher relationships.

So I was so upset last night about the whole evaluation, and on top of that stress from everything in life caused the bulimia stuff to rear it’s ugly head.  Will and I talked–he was awesomely supportive.

This morning I got  a letter from one of the parents in my class telling me how much they appreciate me as a teacher, and that they wish I could move on to fifth grade with their son. Just what I needed.

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January 26, 2007

It sounds like you got the best marks in the best areas…and I’m glad you’re leaving that school next year.

January 26, 2007

you seem like a great teacher!! when i have kids i hope that i have a teacher like you teaching my babies. I loved my 3rd graded teacher.. 4th greade is just a hard grade.. i hated my 4th grade teacher.. mrs. fononet.. ooooo.. cajun lady.. i swore she was a vodoo witch. she was so mean to me… well atleast i think she was.. i just think its the age of the children. keep your head up!!

January 26, 2007

I think he should have given you more credit than that. Looks like you got the highest score in the most important area: relationships. Without that you can’t accomplish much. Go you 🙂

January 26, 2007

What a sweet letter to get from a parent! How touching that is. Awwww. 🙂 RYN: I am sure that you look much better in a swimsuit than me! I was sucking my stomach in and I still looked a little chubby. LOL. Oh well. I love ice-cream.

January 26, 2007

It sounds as if your principal didn’t take enough time to actually learn about you this year, and that sucks. I’m sorry you had a tough evaluation; however, the letter from the parent should really tell you that your skills are above what your principal mentioned.

January 26, 2007

I forgot that you teach at a school based on relgion, b/c I was about to go off that the principal said something about your church involvement. Are you required to follow the same religion as the school you are teaching at? If not, then I really don’t see why that should be at ALL included in your evaluation of being a teacher. And you’re right, you’ve never taught 4th grade curriculum, you…

January 26, 2007

…NEED a textbook. Forget them, you’re leaving at the end of the school year anyhow and it’s apparent that this school isn’t right for you. You are a fabulous teacher, and don’t you dare let anyone make you feel otherwise.

January 30, 2007

i wouldn’t let what the principle said upset you too much..just try to take the criticism constructively (that is hard, i know). what does he know anyway, if he could teach he wouldn’t be a principle 🙂