
I hate it when I can tell my period is coming by the fact that I am insanely emotional. Everything makes me want to cry. It’s ridiculous. My kids are being decent so far today, so at least that’s a plus.

We are getting wedding stuff accomplished! We already booked the church, the organist and instrumentalists. We bought our wedding bands Saturday. I got his engraved with "I will not take my love away" since that is the way he proposed to me. Yes, I am cheezy. There is still so much to do–it’s overwhelming, but fun.

Will and I had a really good talk Satuday night about my eating disorder stuff. I guess he knew the extent of it even before I told him, because my parents had talked to him. They told him about it because they didn’t want to see meget hurt again by a guy who couldn’t handle it. I am still not sure how I feel about them talking to him, but I know they meant well. He said he was just waiting until I felt comfortable enough to talk openly with him, which is why he didn’t bring it up. We talked about how horrible it is healthwise, but he also reassured me that his love is unconditional. He knows I will struggle probably for life, but he will be there encouraging me and supporting me. The conversation left me feeling completely vulnerable which scares me to death, but that it’s the way you’re supposed to be when getting married, I guess.

Remember the boy who told me that I was so mean he didn’t know why I was a teacher? I got the most hilarious apology letter from him! It was like two pages long–talked about how he was a sinner and would pray for forgiveness(I think his mom must have told him what he had done was a sin). He hoped we could get through this and still be friends and that I could still be his teacher. He also told me he hoped I could marry Will on September 1st and that he could come sing at my wedding. It was SO sweet! I was trying so hard not to laugh when he looked up at me with his big brown eyes waiting for my reaction.

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OMG that apology letter is soo cute and so funny!!! lol. I’m glad your kids are being decent. It is scary to allow yourself to be vulnerable with someone, but in a way, it’s also nice…because it shows that your relationship is growing closer and stronger 🙂

January 22, 2007

Sounds like Will is getting to be more of a great catch!

January 22, 2007

How cute! Kids are soooo funny! I think it is great that you talked to will about your ed stuff. I know it’s hard and it does make you vulnerable, but he loves you and now you know you can turn tohim for support. ((HUGS))

January 22, 2007

hehe kids are priceless. I’m glad he apologised, though ;). I love that you engraved Will’s band; it’s not cheesy at all, it’s sentimental and sweet! Being vulnerable is scary at times, but it also shows you that Will loves every bit of you and isn’t scared of undertaking the difficult aspects of a relationship–and won’t hurt you just because things get hard.

January 22, 2007

kids are so sweet… and if you can’t be cheesy when planning for a wedding, when can you? 🙂

January 22, 2007

aww, what a sweet letter!!!

January 22, 2007

aww the apology note thing is way cute…i dunno how cute his mom telling him he’s a sinner is though lol. that’s awesome you and Will are already getting wedding stuff done and i think the wedding band thing is sweet, not cheesy 🙂 that is awesome how supportive Will is about your ED..you know he’ll love you know matter what, good and bad, and that is hard to find.

January 22, 2007

awww… i love little boys when they feel bad!

January 22, 2007
January 22, 2007

That’s such a cute letter. Kids can be so sweet.

January 23, 2007

how adorable!!! 🙂