
Kids can be so mean sometimes. There is a little boy in my class who has been horribly disruptive the past few days (the whole year actually). He got in trouble today-nothing major I took a bag of candy off his desk that he was playing with (he shouldn’t have had it out anyway). I told him he could have it back at the end of the day. He threw a fit and yelled out "You are so mean. I don’t even know why you’re a teacher!" I know he’s a kid, and was just angry, but it still hurt my feelings (not to mention it was disrespectful, but that’s another issue). I really don’t think I am a mean teacher. I feel like I am always trying to do nice stuff for these guys. I spend a ton of my OWN money on them (which I don’t have a lot of). They are never thankful. They only remember the negative. Oh well. He seems to be over it now.

Wedding planning is kicking in. We are visiting my top choice for the reception on Saturday. I talked with the music teacher at my school, and my first graders from last year and this years fourth graders are going to sing during the service. That will probably end up being one of my favorite parts of the whole wedding!! I think we are going to do a cake and punch reception for all of the school kids/families before the real reception. I wish I could have everybody at the real reception, but that would be ridiculously expensive. There are kids at the school who I feel closer to than others, but I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by only inviting certain students to the whole deal.

I am praying so hardcore that I am able to teach younger kids again next year.  I will need to be flexible if any teaching position is available, but I SO want to be a first grade teacher again. I guess I could always work at a daycare next year, or maybe waitress again. Who knows? SO much to think about. My thoughts are so scattered–I don’t even know what to focus on, or where to start.

Will and I are having a bigger wedding party than I would have probably liked.  He has seven very close guy friends, and it is important to me that he has my little brother stand up. That brings us to eight. Holy cow. I am having my three sisters, Will’s two sisters, and my three best friends. At least the church where we are getting married is huge, so it shouldn’t look too wierd having that many people stand up. My cousin got married there and had TEN bridesmaids! I would prefer less, but I know it means a lot to Will. Please not notes on how large the party is because I am already nervous about it!

I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.

People have asked if Will knows about my ED. Yes, he does. He’s really supportive and knows I am going to counseling to work on it.

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January 18, 2007

There is no question that he is disrespectful but try not to let it get to you. Kids at that age don’t understand all the work that teachers put into their jobs. How cool is that to have the kids sing during the service!!!! I hope you have a good time on Saturday.

January 18, 2007

It does sound like a large party, but it also sounds like you picked people you both love very much. Don’t wory it will all work out!

January 18, 2007

Oh I had six and I wanted more. It wasn’t too many, I had the people who meant a lot to me (and then some that I HAD to include, which ended up cutting others that I wanted in it out), but in a big church, 8 bm’s isn’t a lot. don’t fret 🙂 you’ll like having a big wedding party, I PROMISE

January 18, 2007

i can understand having a big wedding party..there are a ton of people i’d want to have stand up for me and it’d be hard to leave anyone out! also, you are not mean and not a bad teacher…you are very generous to spend your own money on them and for all the stuff you do for them and how much you care. i’m sure he just lashed out coz he was mad he didn’t get his way.

January 18, 2007

Why do you like first grade instead of fourth? I’m student teaching in a first grade room next year and I haven’t been in that grade yet. I’ve been in Kindergarten and third but not first. Do you have any advice?

January 19, 2007

Join the club of huge wedding parties. Can we help it that we just soooo popular? Jk! Will sounds like such an amazing guy. So understanding and so wonderful. You’re very lucky!

January 19, 2007

Don’t forget that kids are really self-centered. At that age, most all they think and care about is themselves and what affects them–it’s all part of the growing and learning process. I’m sure if you catch him on a good day, he’d rave about you. He just wasn’t pleased that you took away what he wanted–typical kid reaction. Try not to take it personally, because from what I hear, you are a great

January 19, 2007

teacher! The positive comments you’ve repeated by far outnumber the negative.

January 19, 2007

RYN: hehe you must have left that as I was writing ;).

January 20, 2007

about that kid. I’d rather a kid tell me I shouldn’t be a teacher because I’m mean than a kid tell me I shouldn’t be a teacher because I can’t answer his question. I felt super intelligent.