
I have had about all I can handle of my kids. They have been insane this week, and I know next week will only be worse.

We have our Christmas program tonight. I am actually pretty excited about it. It’s the first time I have ever directed a play, and I think the kids are going to do a great job. Parents will love it regardless. Myles (a boy in my class) has one of the lead roles in the play. We have a dress rehearsal for the older kids and grandparents at 12:45 today, so obviously he is going to need his costume (the same costume I have been asking him to bring in for the past two weeks). He came in this morning without it, and his mom told me he would be dressed and ready to go for tonight.  I told her that wouldn’t work because he needed to be dressed for our afternoon rehearsal. She got upset and me and was like "Fine…I guess I’ll just go to Walmart and be late to work". His part in the play is a business man-we are talking white shirt, nice pants, and tie–not difficult. He has had over a month to get his costume. How is his mom going to get frustrated at me when he doesn’t have it ready by the day of the program?! I hardly ever stand my ground with parents (I always feel like such a kid around them even though they are only 10-12 years older than me), but today there was no way I was going to let him do the dress rehearsal without his costume. She brought him his costume and I asked him to try it on. He started crying and refused. It’s a battle I am not going to deal with today. I think something is up with their family because all of the kids have been so off lately. They are a newly blended family (the two step brothers are both in my class), they have two other kids, and now a new baby on the way. I just rambled about nothing…..

I get to see Will tonight. He is coming to see my play, and then we are going to go out to dinner with my  parents.

I have been feeling like a sucky teacher lately. I don’t have the passion for the older kids that I do for the little ones. It’s a daily struggle and I feel like I get so easily annoyed with the students. I’d like to think I am doing a good job of pretending to love working with the kids, but inside I am not feeling it. Will had an interview with a church yesterday and they asked about me and he told them I would prefer to teach a younger age level…maybe I will get to do that next year!!

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December 15, 2006

Could you pull the boy aside and ask him if everything is okay? Sounds like an exciting night. Good luck at your debut! 😀

December 15, 2006

good luck with the play, i’m sure it’ll be great 🙂 that was really unfair of the mom to get mad at you like that, she had plenty of time to get the costume and it’s not your fault she procrastinated! i agree with the above noter, maybe you could pull the boys aside and ask them if everything is ok at home? hopefully next year you’ll get to work with an age group you enjoy more!

December 15, 2006
December 15, 2006

I completely understand how you are feeling! Mine have been horrendous recently! To the point that I just feel like throwing my hands up!! Today wasn’t as bad..but probably b/c I acted like a total bitch to them all day. So they basically knew not to try me or I would go off on them. I know next week will just be insane. All I can say is pack that lesson full of stuff so they have NO free time

December 15, 2006

Don’t be too hard on yourself about the teaching. The older the kids, the more independent they become..and that’s the way it should be. That said, I do hope you can get back to the little ones who make you happy.

December 15, 2006

It’s the older kids. I really think they make lists of ways to drive the teacher crazy before they start school. Then as the year goes on they add to them and share them lol.

December 16, 2006

I hope the play went well!

Hey, it’s SoulWanderer…deleted my old diary and started this one. Please add me to your faves!