Stolen from Marie!


Wednesday, November 08, 2006


1. are you missing someone right now?: Umm..I wasn’t until I started thinking about it.
2. are you happy: content
3. are you talking to anyone right now: my students are supposed to be doing their morning work, but several of them keep talking to me.
4. are you bored: nope

5. are you german: yes
6. are you irish: no
7. are you french: no
8. are you Italian: no
9. are your parents still married?: yep
10. do you like someone right now: YES!


1. televison show: The Bachelor, Grey’s Anatomy, Real World
2. flowers: pink roses
3. color: purple
4. sport: baseball
5. mall: whatever is closest and has what i want
6. music: i listen to country and christian
7. food: dessert!
8. season: Fall
9. animal: Kittens
10. quote: I can’t think of one right now, sorry

1. hometown: Manchester, Mo.
2. hair color: brown
4. hair style: medium long and layered
5. eye color: brown
6. shoe size: 6.5
7. mood: content
8. skin color: i’m pretty tan i guess
9. available: depends on what for
10. lefty/righty: right hand



1. love or lust: love
2. hard liquor or beer: hard liquor
4. one night stands or relationships: relationship
5. television or internet: i’m a multitasker I do both at the same time
6. pepsi or coke: diet wild cherry pepsi
7. wild night out or romantic night in: either would be pretty nice
8. colored pictures or black and white pictures: pictures are great not matter what. it really depends on the picture i think
9. phone or in person: in person-i hate talking on the phone
10. msn or myspace: neither… i am computer illiterate


1. have u ever been caught sneaking out: no
2. have you ever skinny dipped: yes
3. have you ever done something illegal: yes
Where’s number four?
5. have you ever been on a house boat: yes
6. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: yep
7. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt: yep
8. have you ever had a one night stand: not sex, but a one night make out.
9. have you ever danced in the rain: don’t remember
Where’s number ten? 




1. have u ever been in love: Yep
2. do you believe in love: Yep
3. why did your last relationship fail: Too many mistakes to mention-it didn’t help that I walked in on him with another girl.
4. have you ever been heartbroken: Yes definitely
5. have you ever broken someone’s heart: yep
6. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends: for sure
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: I am pretty open about that kind of stuff….maybe too much so.
8. are you afraid of commitment: no
9. has someone ever kissed your hand: yes!
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: it wouldn’t be a secret if I knew!

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November 9, 2006

hope everything is going well for you still! 🙂

November 10, 2006
November 15, 2006

Cute survey, hon. I hope you have a happy Thursday filled with God’s sweetest blessings! =)