
I could not be more happy that this is a four day week. Tomorrow is records day, but my principal said we didn’t need to come in if we could get our work done at home. I am still debating whether or not to come in, but either way I am definitely sleeping in! My school has three four day weeks in the month of October! That is insanity, but I love it! We also have a week in November for Thanksgiving, and then two weeks at Christmas. We won’t have a normal month again until January(Jan-March is the long stretch)!

I am looking forward to the weekend. I am going to Oktoberfest with Will and a bunch of his seminarian friends tomorrow night. Saturday is O.G I put in my two weeks, but I am not sure if my boss thought I was serious. Isn’t that crazy? I am such a people pleaser that even when I say I need to quit, I talk myself out of it if my boss looks upset with my decision! I really do need to quit though. I want to spend my weekend nights hanging out with Will (or other friends), not serving breadsticks and salad. I will miss the extra cash, but still not worth it. Sunday Will is coming over to study, and I am going to cook us dinner (our new Sunday thing-cooking dinner together). I love it when we hang out and just do normal, not even really "date" type stuff.  So now we have two set nights a wek to see eachother (Tuesdays and Sundays). I like the routine we are getting into.  The more time I spend with him, the more I want to see him! It’s so cheesy, but I could seriously envision myself seeing this boy every day for the rest of my life!

I am getting a little nervous about the trip to meet his family next weekend. He is super close to them, and I really hope they like me. I am just going to try to relax and be myself.

All of the teachers at my school hate our new principal. I disagree with some of his decisions, but overall I am pretty happy with him. I feel bad for him that people are being so hard on him. It’s only his first year–they need to cut him a little slack. Anyway, now everyone is saying they’re not coming back to teach next year. Drama. Drama. Drama. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like I teach at a Christian school.

Alright…my kiddos are back from band.

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October 19, 2006

His family will love you! Don’t you worry about that! I hope you have a great time going to Oktoberfest!

October 19, 2006

RYN: A gogo dancer!

October 19, 2006

I agree, his family will LOVE you 🙂 I love that you are so happy :)!

October 19, 2006

Yuuuum Olive Garden breadsticks! I agree that you need time off. Spending some nights with Will and alone will be so nice, and also rewarding after a long week. Have fun!

October 20, 2006

You sound like a wonderful person. I’m sure they will love you.

October 20, 2006

have a great weekend with will and it’s so great to hear how happy you are with him and the relationship you two have 🙂 I’m very excited for you! his family will love you. Will cares about you quite a bit and you’re a great person, there is no reason why they wouldn’t like you!

October 20, 2006

I hope you chose to take today off. I wish my school would give us a records day. My schools sucks and gives up no classroom time at all. NONE! I agree with everyone, Will’s family will love you. You are a great person and if they cannot see them, well…as unchristian as it sounds I always say it….”SREW EM'”

October 21, 2006

Hey good to hear things are going good with Will! 🙂

October 23, 2006

Minnesota definitely rocks. I could live up there.

I know his family will love you! You seem like a super sweet person. Have fun at Oktoberfest! I’m a huge people-pleaser, too…I hate ever saying no to anything!