More Pics!!!

So these are pictures from the weekend. The boy is my friend Tim, not Will. I will try to get some pics of Will and I together. I am not super thrilled with how I look right now because I have definitely gained weight since I moved to St. Louis last year. Oh well.

There were two people taking our pictures, wasn’t sure where to look.

Tim and I took this picture ourselves….the first time we got an awesome crotch shot because we had the camera pointed too low. I’ll spare you…..

Here is me with some of my college friends. L to R Holly (old roomie), Lisa (old roomie–best friend), Sara, and Amanda. Me in the middle! 🙂

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I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen a pic of you (well, besides the tiny one in your menu). Oh my gosh, you are soooo cute!!! 🙂 🙂 Keep the pix coming!!!

October 8, 2006

I hope you learn how to post pictures soon! I love seeing them. And you are beautiful!!!!

October 8, 2006

I always knew you were so pretty! You look goooorgeous 🙂

October 8, 2006

p.s. is that will??

October 8, 2006

hey gorgeous~ what are these pics from?

Cute pictures! You’re very pretty.

October 8, 2006

You are gorgeous!

October 8, 2006

Wow Miss Min you look like if you lose any more weight you’ll disapear on us! That’s just my take on the comment you made about you gaining a lil. I know that doesn’t change how you feel about yourself, but I wanted to let you know you look beautiful in all those pictures!

October 8, 2006

You look totally different from the tiny pic, but you’re beautiful :o) And you definitely don’t look heavy AT ALL.

October 8, 2006

wow. you’re very pretty. you have a nice smile too. and you’ve put on weight? are you kidding?!? i wouldn’t worry about that. i think you look just fine.

October 9, 2006

You are gorgeous! And if you gained weight, that’s a good thing because any skinnier and you would disappear! You look like a model. NO need to be worried about your looks at all, beautiful!

October 9, 2006

great pictures and you look wonderful! 🙂 I hope you post pictures more often! And you definetly don’t need to lose any weight! you look great!

October 9, 2006

yay!! I have never seen a picture of you. You are totally gorgeous and Will is so cute. You make a wonderful couple!!

October 10, 2006

I think that you look wonderful!!! And thhat is such a cute outfit, too 🙂