Boarding Notice

Rotterdam, August 30th 2013
Dear guest crewmember,
The start of your voyage on board of the ‘Oosterschelde’ is almost there. We hereby send
you the latest information concerning your voyage from Melbourne to Hobart from the 13th of September until the 22nd of September 2013.
Embarkation in Melbourne
On Friday the 13th of September you are welcome on board. The ‘Oosterschelde’ will be
berthed at the Seaworks Wharf in Williamstown in Melbourne. You are welcome on board
from 5PM. If necessary you can contact the ship on the Australian telephone number:
After an introduction from the captain and meeting the other guests it is time to have your
first dinner on board. On Saturday 14th September we will join in the Parade of Sail. On
Sunday it is time to officially leave Port Phillip and start around six days of sailing in
company with other tall ships towards Hobart.
To stay on top of all the latest news on the Melbourne 2013 International Tall Ships festival
please have a look at:
Disembarkation in Hobart
Hobart will give all the tall ships a warm welcome during the expected arrival on Friday 20th of September in the afternoon. On Saturday you can join in the local events. On Sunday the 22nd of September it will be time to say goodbye to the crew and the ship after breakfast.
The voyage finishes around 9AM.
We plan to have an open ship either Saturday or Sunday. This is an excellent opportunity to
show family and friends the ship! Please keep an eye on our website for the exact hours
‘Oosterschelde’ is open to the public.
We advise you to bring along enough cash. It is not possible to pay with credit/ debit card
on board ‘Oosterschelde’. We accept Euros, American and Australian Dollars to pay your
drinks on board.
It is winter/ early spring in Australia. Layering your clothes is the best way to easily adapt
to changing weather conditions. Furthermore we advise you to bring a watertight jacket and
pants, a pair of gloves and perhaps a hat. You will also be on watch during the wee hours of
the night, which could be uncomfortable if you are cold.
B.V. Reederij ‘Oosterschelde’, Postbus 23429, 3001 KK Rotterdam
T: 010-4364258, F: 010-4362100,,

For friends and family at home
Via our website and facebookpage
you can read the latest updates and news from het ship. Nice for you to read before you
come on board, but also fun for your friends and family who are at home and like to know
how your voyage is going.
In the information brochure that we have sent, you can find the number of our satellite
telephone. Recently this number has changed. In case of an emergency the ship can be
contacted via the number: +881677721849. However this service is rather costly we advise
to contact the office of the shipping company first.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. For now we wish you a
pleasant voyage and of course happy holidays during your stay onboard of the
Kind regards,
Elvira Beetstra
Shipping company ‘Oosterschelde’
B.V. Reeder ‘Oosterschelde’, Postbus 23429, 3001 KK Rotterdam
Tel: 0104364258, Fax: 0104362100,,


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August 31, 2013

Exciting trip.x