We Sail on the Tide


Well, I’m back now from my two and a half weeks sailing.
Its great just to have the time to do so and I probably would still be out there somewhere if Christmas wasn’t so close.
The first two days were spent traveling down the river and across the Straits ending at the Marina in Urangan. Accompanying me was a good friend Steven who has Huntington’s disease. Suzy his wife said there was no real medical reason he could not go so we set off with approaching rain and thunder looming.We were comfortable under  the cockpit cover and soon were anchored up in the Susan River for a light show of lighting and thunder all around. Steven relaxed and his often difficult speech became more decipherable especially after a nice dinner and a bottle of Port. Pelican is fairly safe for someone who has a disability, most evident with Steven is his balance and awkward jerky movements. His brain functions also caused him some difficulties which I quickly became aware off, it was a quick learning curve for me. I trod a thin line between allowing him to feel he was a man and watching he did not do something that would endanger himself, me or the yacht.
It seems funny now the little incident but at the time it was a problem.
 We anchored at Kingfisher Bay resort and I waited for the making tide to move the boat up the beach so we could go ashore. I turned my back and Steven was off, over the stern and wading through the knee deep water to the beach. I followed him and he was quickly in trouble after hitting a section of quick sand he panicked and was soon firmly bogged with the tide coming in. I waded to catch up and told him to relax and not struggle. Working underwater I released his legs and had him turned back towards Pelican whilst he fretted about his lost shoe. Some further diving and I rescued the offending shoe and we were soon back on board Pelican.
After a change of clothes he settled down with a cup of tea and Pelican headed off to the Marina in UranganWe met Suzy at the boat club for dinner, she had a wonderful two days off from  her caring duties and Steven and I had a pleasant time and he had an exciting adventure.

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December 5, 2012

it must be awful to have something like that.Glad you are keeping well and still enjoying Pelican.

December 5, 2012

sounds a wonder filled trip. hugs p

December 12, 2012

It was kind of you to take him and he has such a good memory to keep plus giving his wife a break. Sounds like the trip you were hoping just too short. Well, Merry Christmas to you and yours and the best of the New Years. Blessings,