Tell Me …

Thanks for the survey, Noah! I’m waiting for my sleeping pill to kick in so this is a perfect time consumer 🙂

1. What was the main subject of your last telephone conversation?:  It was with Brandon and we talked about a lot of little things.One big thing we discussed was his dad’s new 23 year old girlfriend. WTF.
2. When was your last long conversation in general?: The repairs to my mom’s new house. So annoying. 
3. If the last person you kissed tried to kiss you again, would you start  kissing them back?:  Yes.
4. If your best friend of the opposite sex tried to kiss you, would you start kissing them back?:  No no no. TJ is like a brother so that would feel waaaay weird. And wrong. And gross.
5. Have you ever kissed someone who has previously kissed someone you hated?:  Hate is a strong word, but definitely someone I disliked a LOT.
6. What do you like most about the song you are listening to/last listened to?:  Misery, by Maroon 5. I love all Maroon 5 songs because I Iove their lyrics. I seem to relate.
7. Explain in detail exactly what you were doing four hours ago.:  At 5:30 I was eating dinner and watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians on TV in my living room.
8. Explain what you will be doing in three hours.:  Hopefully sound asleep. Zzzzzzzz ….
9. How old is everyone that you last hung out with?:  That would be at work, since I suppose that counts as hanging out. The ages are from 2 – mid 40’s.
10. This question seems to be missing…
11. When is the last time you did something illegal?:  Today. I speed and tailgate and run yellow lights.
12. When is the last time you yawned?:  Tonight.
13. Another missing…
14. What is the largest age difference between you and someone you have hooked up with?: Not much … a few years.
15. How much money did you spend today?:  $6
16. What did you spend that money on?:  A roasted chicken and diet Snapple from Publix.
17. Where did you go today?:  Work, Publix, home.
18. What is the first line in the song you are currently listening to/last listened to? I’m not listening to music so this is N/A.
19. What exactly did you drink the last time you were intoxicated?:  Wine of some sort.
20. How much sleep are you anticipating on getting tonight?:  I hope at least 7 hours.
21. When is the last time you gave someone a dirty look?:  Today at work.
22. Are you a rude person?: I can be. I’m trying to be nicer though. Or at least more understanding.
23. Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color?:  I have done it and love it!

24. Do you think the next person you kiss will be a better kisser than the last person you kissed?:  I hope the next person I kiss is the last person I kissed.
25. On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive do you honestly find yourself on most days?: 5 or 6.
26. Is your all-time favorite television show still on air?:  No – that would be Felicity. But I do love Entourage and True Blood, which are current!
27. Are you planning any upcoming vacations.:  Philadelphia next month for Chase’s 1st birthday!
28. Are you an easy lay?:  Ha Not unless I’ve already been laid by that person, in which case history has shown the honest answer to this would be yes.
29. When is the last time you spent time with the one you have feelings for?:  December 2009.
30. Is the last person whose voice you heard sexy?:  Brandon has a southern accent and I do find it attractive.
31. What brand of lipstick does your mom use?:  Hmmm… Cover Girl I think.
32.Do know the names of your best friend’s mom’s siblings?:  Cara’s mom is an only child, and I don’t know Coley’s mom’s sister’s names.
33.What are the last two digits of the number of the person you last texted?:  I don’t even know!
34.Does everyone in your house have their own car?:  Yes.Just me.
35.When’s the last time you climbed more than three floors using the stairs?: So long ago I can’t remember. 
36.Do you have any other browser installed besides IE and Firefox?:  Nope.
37.What program do you use to edit photographs? Photoshop.
38. What’s the best and worst thing about your cell phone?: Best = touch screen. Worst = I have to re-boot it a lot. 
39. Are you in the dark now?:  Nope.
40. Would you consider photography as a career for you?: If it paid the bills I would. 
41. What’s the longest time you’ve spent chewing one piece of gum?:  All day. I can chew gum forever.
42. When’s the last time you went tanning in the sun?:  A few weekends ago.
43. Or do you avoid getting tan and prefer to stay fair?:  I like to be tan, skin cancer be damned.
44: What’s your most overused smiley?:  The regular one 🙂
45. Do you try to come up with new smileys?:  Nope.
46. Did your last breakup happen face to face? If not, then how was it?:  Face to face. And it was a long time ago.
47.Do you love big words, or do you prefer to keep conversations simple?:  I like ’em big and small, depending on the situation.
48. What is one extremely dumb survey question you’ve encountered?: This one. 
49. What is one thing people expect you to do well?:  Write.
50. Who’s one person you never expected to be friends with?: Cara’s wife Jennifer. We didn’t start out so good but now she’s like a sister in law.
51. Are you able to get along with people a few years younger than you?: My friend is 24 and we get along well, but probably because she is pretty mature. 
52. Would you rather look like Megan Fox or Jessica Alba?:  Jessica I guess.
53. Have you ever been to Ireland?:  Nope.
54. Are you friends with anyone named Travis?: Not friends, but there is a very cute little Travis who is 4 that gets therapy at my work.
55. Do people constantly compare you with your siblings?:  Almost never.
56. What’s your favourite penguin movie?:  I have no clue… The first thing I thought of is the Batman penguin.
57. Anybody you know who recently went through a breakup?: Recently as in a few months ago, yes.  
58. Have you ever woken up early just to watch the sunrise?: A long time ago at the beach. 
59. Do you remember what day your birthday was on two years ago?: No clue. 
60. When’s the last time you used a vacuum cleaner?:  Tonight. There was cat nip alllllll over.
61. Who does the most chores in your house?:  Me.
62. When’s the last time someone complimented your outfit?: Today.  
63. What did you get in trouble for the most at school?:  Skipping class. I was a chronic skipper.
64. Did you

have any gay teachers?:  I’m sure I did, but he/she wasn’t openly gay, at least not at school.
65. What do you think of people who are way too open about their sex lives?:  I don’t mind. Whatever. I’m sure I overshare sometimes.
66. Have you ever been guilty of PDA?: Not really. Well, maybe in high school.
67. Did you ever have a dollhouse?:  Yes, many. I also had a Barbie DREAM house 🙂
68. Or were you more into building blocks and train tracks?:  Nope, that wasn’t for me.
69. Do you mind being corrected in public?:  Depends on who is correcting me and how they are doing it.
70. Have you ever called someone by the wrong name?:  Yes.
71. Have you ever met someone you knew yet couldn’t remember their name?:  All the time. Unless I write it down I have a hard time remebering details. Probably why I keep a diary!


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