Audition Update and Sidewalk Etiquette.

I have a god-damned mosquito bite on my hand. God-damned mosquitoes.My audition from this weekend went relatively well, I think. I read for the main female role opposite a couple of different people, and I didn’t do anything terrible like trip over my own feet and land face-first in the director’s crotch. Not like that’s ever happened to me before or anything. It’s just an example of a Terrible Thing. And it didn’t happen. Really. Which is good. In any case, I have a callback for Sunday.

After the audition was over, one of the men with whom I’d read came up to me and asked me how old I am. I thought he was joking, because we’d just read a scene together in which he asked me the same question, and I responded like the character in the play: “You can’t ask me that!” He was serious though, so I told him my age, which is twenty-two, and then he said that he was thinking something like that, but he couldn’t tell because half the time he saw me, I looked fifteen. I don’t think I look fifteen. Do I look fifteen? I don’t look fifteen. (Although, I suppose I’ll be grateful in twenty years’ time, if I still look fifteen then. Grateful, or a freak of nature. One of those.) Once he confirmed that I was of legal age, he told me that he liked my audition, and that he works for a dinner theatre that’s always looking for new talent, and could he have my phone number so that he could call me when he got home? You know, to let me know where I should call for information about seeing a performance and setting up a meeting. I gave it to him, but I left there honestly unsure if I’d been asked on an audition, or on a date. To further complicate matters, he called me yesterday, but I couldn’t answer the phone because — ahem — I’m out of minutes until October. I picked up his message today from work, and he did give me the number for the manager of the dinner theatre, but he also left me his number, in case I wanted to “um, talk, or something.” Yeah. I mean, nice guy and all, but I’m not going to date him, whether he gets me work or not.

How exactly does one turn down an offer of a date? I don’t like to lie, and I won’t be mean to somebody I’m going to have to work with, but I don’t know how to say “no” without hurting feelings. For a long time, I just said that I had a boyfriend, which was true, and then after that I would tell them that I was a lesbian, which I at least thought was true, and those were legitimate excuses that had nothing to do with the person I was turning down. What can you possibly say when you’re single and available, but just not interested?

There need to be lanes on the sidewalk the same way that there are on the highway. People who are going to walk slowly need to stay on one side of the path so that people like me who are ACTUALLY TRYING TO GET SOMEPLACE don’t get stuck standing still while trying not to be late for work. This is something that’s bothered me since before the dawn of time. I’ll respect a person’s right to walk as slowly as he pleases, even if I will mutter under my breath that he’s a fucking moron, but I will not put up with the people who walk slowly while weaving back and forth across the entire sidewalk so that swifter non-morons can’t get by. And by “swifter non-morons,” I mean me. But you knew that already.

I’ve been trying to find an old friend of mine, and it’s proving impossible because both his first and his last name, according to the 1990 Census database, are among the 15 most popular in the US. Typing his name into Google with quotation marks gives me more than 36,000 results. Without quotes, it goes to over 5 million. He hasn’t registered as an alumnus of the college we both went to, and I don’t know where he went to grad school, other than that it was out of state. I don’t know what else to do at this point. It’s not a matter of any urgency, but he was a good friend to me, and I want to see how he’s doing.

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Ooooh, I hear ya on the sidewalk thing. Do you get competitive when you’re walking on the sidewalk? There’s always someone that’s only half a foot ahead of me, and it bugs me to no end, so I have to speed up enough to pass them. And when I DO pass someone slower than me on the sidewalk, I’m all: “That’s right, I WIN!” RYN: I was thinking that gorilla-butt looked like my dad. But maybe my dad is

your ex-b. . .Oh, that’s just creepy. I’m not even finishing that. Nevermind.

September 29, 2004

Yay for you shooting someone down;) hehe. Yeah you non-dating single women really throw my mind for a loop, I just don’t get it, except you have a very good grip on your standards apparently, which is a good thing. Glad the audition went well. I’m bigger than most people, they tend to get out of my way. Plus I’m a cook and am used to pushing past people with a sorry

September 29, 2004

what the hell is his name? John Smith? Nick Jones? Robert White? That sucks that you can’t find him. Hope your ‘squito bite goes away soon!

September 29, 2004

Oh, and when you’re single, available, but just not interested… that’s all you gotta say. Thanks, but I’m not interested. Guys don’t get the subtle or letting-down-gently approach. You just have to say, thanks but no thanks.

September 29, 2004

The show was at the Trocodero on Arch and Tenth (in Chinatown or something). We walked from there, passed the Real World house there on Third, to Penn’s Landing and back up some street, the name of which I am not sure. Market, maybe? During the walk, I learned that I am not a big city girl, especially not a Philly girl. Philly’s kind of… dirty. And scary.

October 2, 2004

Maybe he just wants to um, talk. 🙂 Some guys just want to be friends. Okay, that was a lie. I’m with you on the sidewalk thing, except I’m one of the slow-ass people. My campus is very hilly and I’m from a flat area…it takes me half an hour to walk uphill quarter of a mile. Sorry on behalf of all the other slow sidewalk people.

October 5, 2004

re: your old friend- are you a member of myspace or friendster? if not, I suggest signing up and then doing a search that way… I’ve found many old friends through those sites…. just.a.thought.