You’re Not Human Tonight, Marlowe

Sometimes, alcohol and cynicism is the only friend you got left Marlowe.

I had thought this guy and I might move in together considering we are long term acquaintances, share the same interests and both need an affordable place to live. I even sent him a link to a place in an area we both want to live it for a 2 bedroom apartment. Today, he posted online asking if anyone wanted to move into this place with him. Apparently I was confused according to him. According to him, he doesn’t believe we would be compatible roommates but didn’t want to say anything because he wanted to avoid animosity. Ironically, when we went together to look at a different place (yes, he did that with me even though he didn’t want to move in with me), he complained about people not saying what they mean to others.

First, let’s clear this up. I am the Type O roommate. It is impossible for me to be incompatible. I am the easiest to live with unless you party late, which he doesn’t cause he has a day job like me. Second, so if he thought I understood all this telepathically, what did he think I sent the link to the property to him for? I think he is full of the crap everyone is full of. He jumped on the place I revealed in a selfish attempt to satisfy himself. And you know what? He will end up happy just like all the rest who put their heel to the face of others around them.

Fuck. Don’t this to be rant entry. But I’m boiling with hatred for the world right now.

This whole moving situation has been one friend fuck over after the next. One friend focused on themselves after another. Me being left in the dirt. Coming up with a neutral response. And I think I have finally broke. I see everything from new vantage points.

And I am getting drunk. And if I saw him tonight, I’m pretty sure I would get into my first fight. Sure, he’s carrying the weight others stacked before him. That wouldn’t stop me, in a drunken state, from trying to beat the beast that he currently symbolizes.

The world is not what I believed it to be. Just some cogs I gotta work through. Just a kidney stone I have to pass.


…Oh Mouse. Look at the vomit you’ve got me spewing here.


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July 30, 2012

Maybe we all get like this in the cold half-lit world where always the wrong thing happens and never the right. Ahhh, better to rant than to suffer in silence my friend. I’ll revel in whatever it is you choose to write. So, please don’t compare your ranting to vomit cuz that it just not a pleasant thing for someone (even a Mouse) to revel in.

“Sometimes, alcohol and cynicism is the only friend you got left Marlowe” uhhh so sad that i’m finding this true even as a person who should be all settled down and happy with life with a kid and man and all that bull****. i will beat that mother****er’s ass though in your honor though. don’t make me more cynical by turning into the david that gets into fist fights too.

i mean, you are already watching sports all the time these days. jesus. but really. as much as i enjoy having a cynical drunk to empathize with, i wish you have hope and joy and a roommate who isn’t an ass and all that bull****. goddamit you mother ****er. :::love::: -heather