A Loose, Baggy Monster

When my sister has kids, I shall raise them as good little Russians, and read War and Peace to them every night. They will be well acquainted with the themes of life and love by the age of ten and will have digested those subjects concerning all that they’ll never understand. I hope my sister does not begrudge me this liberty.

I am poor at communication. This being the case, a wealth of things to be expressed often grows inside of me. I feel the swelling of things with such importance bound in a love of life and others that must be told and understood. The resulting eagerness with which I try and say everything often comes off childish and disregardable. This is my flaw. I am the singer who, feeling and believing in the music so profoundly and honestly only allowing himself to sing at the most essential of times,  cannot for the life of him discipline his voice to sing on key when the time comes. Despite the awkward noises, it is not a mockery of music.

All that loaded talk to say: I wish I could express what’s inside me. It’s so much better than what you hear.

I wanted to say something to Danielle yesterday when I saw her at the street fair. Something beautiful and honest. Something like, "I miss you. I love you." Her cold, detached response to my presence was an obstacle I did not overcome though. How is it that this girl, whom I once held so affectionately in my mind and whom once seemed to appreciate my presence, could be so ambivalent to me now with a conventional, emotionless hug and a "see you around." Adding to the confusion, moments later Stephanie greeted me with brilliant, intoxicated eyes and inflections… though she and I were hardly even acquaintances. Hannah said, "Danielle’s just gotten bitchier." I will never be able to come close to believing that. I will always remember the affection for the girl I must believe is still hidden behind the eye-shadow.

The passing of time has never agreed with me. Change and I were never good friends. Alterations imply a move away from something understood to something to get used to. When this change conflicts a little with a past understanding, I tend to not deal with it well. The past exposes this repeatedly. I label the change as contradiction. Through time, Contradiction has become vile to me and a hated enemy along with its sibling Meaninglessness. Both wage war with Truth, Honesty, Life and Love in my mind. A war I only scarcely involve myself with nowadays, only when it appears on the news from a tv screen in some dark bar and I ramble drunkenly about "my side."

And here, case in point, I write a truly important, honest entry… and I make it difficult, long and inaccessable… resulting in its message more than likely being lost to most. Just like War and Peace.

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September 3, 2005

I believe everyone’s greatest longing and passion is to express what we feel inwardly, outwardly. For everyone to know that what we express and contain is important, and is meangingful. Often times tho when we do share our mindful rantings, no one can hear it, or like you mention, our truth is lost on them, because it often appears that no one cares. A

September 3, 2005

*hugs* I’m glad you updated.

September 7, 2005

So you’re Russian? This explains a lot. I’ve found that the more a girl wears makeup, the more insecure she is and that is why she has to cover herself up – and most likely be cold to others to cover it all up.

“The resulting eagerness with which I try and say everything often comes off childish and disregardable. This is my flaw.” awww friend, me too. and to use a quaker term, this entry speaks to my conditon. i might not know specifically what you are talking abut, but really, i know EXACTLY what you mean. if that makes any sense. -heather

…and thanks for the letter. i was the happiest person in the world when i found it in my mailbox. i will be writing you shortly. -heather

September 9, 2005

i really liked this entry

October 25, 2005

I was looking through 5+ year old entries of mine today and their notes. Nice to see a rare OD old-timer that’s still around 🙂

November 5, 2005

Whatcha think? huh huh 😉 I figured I’d post a picture of myself after all these years of hiding away heh. Hope youre doing well and midterms arent killing you slowly as they are with me..

For me, to write such “loaded talk” is the expression itself. The way the words come out reflects the intricacies of my feelings. The things inside which must be expressed are not justified with simple words, but with an artistic flow of eloquence. Maybe some wouldn’t get it, but the ones who do will appreciate it that much more. As for change, it is difficult to get used to, but a love of life…

November 11, 2005

cannot be without at least a toleration for change. The way people change is almost offensive sometimes, but I really like that you persist in believing that beneath some of the more superficial changes still lies the heart and soul of a genuine, beautiful person.

July 26, 2012

It is only “inaccessable” if it is never written. Is War and Peace any less of a classic because some people lose the meaning behind the words?