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May 8, 2004

! it’s so nice to see pictures of you guys! i miss y’all!

May 8, 2004

good pictures

May 8, 2004

That’s pretty nifty… I don’t think I did anything for Cinco de Mayo because I’m too cool to do things on celebratory holidays. I want to know how you made your website, but I’m almost afraid to actually ask because I don’t want to put forth any considerable effort to make one, plus I probably wouldn’t update it ever. So nevermind. But I didn’t really officially ask you anyway. Drugs are bad.

May 8, 2004

Not to imply that I do drugs or anything because I don’t. I just thought that’d be a good way to end my going-nowhere thoughts. But I’ve even ruined that. Woe is me. Drugs are still bad.

May 8, 2004

Hey, there’s a person really close to your crotch! Definitely art. And also, cool pictures.

May 8, 2004

yea. i figured that after i left the note. but i was too lazy to correct myself. and yes…i know you would give your sex to rufus. lovely pictures there david. someday i will get my jacket back. maybe next year. it’s become my ticket to seeing you. dont spill alcohol on it. bitch.

May 8, 2004

psh. go ahead and try it mistah.

May 8, 2004

*lol* it is my firm belief that you lead a very interesting life. I wish I had one. :o) take care

May 9, 2004

heh. at first i thought oh that’s wonderful that he could tell from the line i put in there….then i realized that i not only named a star in the film…but a desciption of it as well….so i am now less impressed. but yes. total eclipse. i could not help but be swooned by rimbaud’s tempermental behavior and poetic indifference. also…leonardo dicaprio looked unbathed and sexy. and he was 16.

May 9, 2004

i know. it’s amazing. i wish he was here now. we could have crazy times together. i’d probably be in love with him.

May 9, 2004

or really, considering that i dont think he believed in love – i’d be quite fond of him….wink wink.

great pictures. leftoverdoll.yafro.com is my picture site. oh, and i love that shirt you’re wearing. no, not the one you’re wearing right now, the one you were wearing in the pictures. sheesh.