rip out the wings of a butterfly
You know, I used to be original. Creative, even. I used to be different. Now the world is overflowing with cocky, sanctimonious megalomaniacs. And I see these children, just turned 14, in their black nail polish and baggy pants, writing their deep poetry and spiritual thoughts and I just kind of chuckle. This too shall pass.
But I won’t even get my originality back. It’s not fair to grow up. When I retired the platform boots and the black nail polish in favour of dressing more "normally", I told myself I was growing up. And when I stopped writing the poetry and the angry rants, I told myself I was growing up. And when I slowly learned the art of apathy and acting, I told myself I was growing up. And when I lost everything that made me human, I knew I was finished.
Any goth or punk that reads this might very well scoff. How lame of me to conform to society’s standards. I should go out and rebel and wear more black and eyeshadow. I should listen to louder music and get a lot more drunk a lot more often. I should be loud and rude. I should disrepect authority. But I see no reason to. My days of being different are gone, those past with childhood. Normalcy will be my cross, and someday I will be crucified on it.
Isn’t that how it always goes?