Its that time…
I take a breath.
Finally caught what I was searching for.
Somewhere in between a passion we share..
And appreciating the little things he takes care of…
The threat of this cold weather connection coming to a halt..for all the lacking time we have..running the same hobby…having separate lives.
Soon the season starts…he’ll be out as much as I, but its different sharing a passion that one and the other can support and not feel left behind.
Its an odd thing.
I become more fond over time.
He turns 32 today.
Turn that number around and you’ll find mine.
Its crazy to think.
I guess put together and edgy is just what I needed.
He’s different in ways that turn me on…
But he’s so tidy…neat…level headed.
Finally I found that moment..
Where my heart beat in concern.
Where I had to wonder, and I could wonder aloud,
Of what was going to happen when our two parts began picking up pace.
Still, we are nothing..
Just oddly exclusive and seeing one another at distances.
The part of me that was so unsure of anything more, is swiftly finding this idea of there being something beyond this.
Only time can tell…
And for once in my life…I am happy…and patient…and happy to be patient. I can sit this thing out and take it for what it is.
Something about him has me comforted…he plays to my strengths…Sees beauty in my weakness..and knows how to put things out play by play. Speaks his mind to say unpopular things, or things that may leave vulnerability.
Its so easy waking with him. And so hard sleeping.
The bed is perfect and unleaveable.
And he starts morning rising in the kitchen..
Bare feet padding across the tile…down the hall..
Its perfect..and clean…crisp…Unbroken by any sense of insobriety
And he things to eat..thinking about what I need..
Watching the sun play through the front windows …and his curtains and blinds are always drawn open.
His teeth peek between his lips..and when he thinks he bites down on them.
Piercing blue that I’m entirely unused to.
All these things I’m taking note of..and they’re only finally fueling me.
And he pushes me..motivates and supports something that has begun to mean the me.