30 weeks to go…

Until David and I are parents!  

My due date is Jan 24 2014, although David likes to believe it’s Jan 26 – Australia Day… I guess working for the Aussies has gone to his head a bit!

We weren’t trying to conceive. In fact, I was on the pill! But we believe it was just meant to be.
I never missed a pill (had an alarm set on a pill reminder app so was always taken at the same time), have not been unwell, not been on any antibiotics or any other medication, and haven’t had any changes whatsoever that could cause it to be ineffective.
We believe it was just fate and that it was meant to happen to us at this stage in our lives.
And, we couldn’t be happier 

Especially with my work, we (mainly I) have seen people go through troubles conceiving and miscarriages. This pregnancy is such a blessing, and we are so incredibly grateful for it.

I have already had 2 scans, they have both been amazing to see. My next scan is in 3 weeks, the Nuchal Translucency scan (I’ll be 13 weeks, 3 days) where both our mums are coming along to see.

Just a note for those who know me on Facebook, please don’t post anything about my pregnancy on there. We aren’t announcing it to our friends on Facebook until after my next scan, and there are still some people we want to tell in person first 



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July 1, 2013

I’m due jan 13!

July 1, 2013

And me the 10th! Yay for other January baby ODers 🙂

July 1, 2013

Woot! Way to go! Jami and I are in the business of trying. 🙂

July 2, 2013

Ryn: how useful you work doing all the things you’ll be having done eventually! 🙂 Hopefully we’ll both escape GD even if the odds seem stacked against! Congrats by the way 😀

July 3, 2013

the 13 week scan is going to be amazing! They will look like such a little baby by then! They even guessed the gender at my 12 weeks scan and were right!

July 8, 2013

ooo how exciting! congrats you two I hope everything goes well for you, and of course won’t say anything on FB – that’s your news/announcement to make 🙂