Amazingly awesomeness!!! (part 2)

So to follow on from the other day…

We are buying a house!

It’s all official now. We have been discussing moving in together for quite a while now, and since we both hated the idea of renting (which is really just paying off somebody elses mortgage, and then you have nothing to show for all that money you’ve spent) we decided that the best thing for us was to purchase a home together.

We went to the bank last week and got a pre-approval for a home loan, so the first step is done. We have started to look online at possible houses and areas we would like to live (considering we both currently live at home with our parents which is actually quite a distance from where we work, we are looking at places that are a lot closer to the areas that we work in).

David and I have already spoken about pre-nup agreements, and we both believe it is a great idea for us to get one. It’s not that we believe we will be separating in the future, it’s more to cover both of us if something were to happen and to prevent emotions screwing us over in the process. We’ve still got to speak to a lawyer about it and get something drafted up, but so far it will basically say that everything we bring into the house will remain our individual property for 10 years or so. David is providing a large proportion of the deposit and I am providing most of the physical assets (eg. furniture, appliances, linen, etc.), so it will stipulate that David gets his part of the deposit back, I get my physical assets back, and the remainder of the house would be divided equally between us (as we are both providing equal amounts to the mortgage). Of course the idea is that we aren’t intending to separate, so we hopefully wont even need to use the pre-nup!

On Sunday we spoke to my parents and discussed what we are going to do, and they have offered to help us out with the whole process and even afterwards (for example, doing up the property). We spoke to Davids parents on Tuesday evening and they were quite receptive to it as well, with his mum even giving us a tea-towel that said something along the lines of "Tomorrows home is grown from from dreams of today". It turns out she already thought we were heading towards buying our own home! Seriously, his parents are going to make the best in-laws 🙂

I think I might leave it at that for now… eee I’m quite excited!

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September 20, 2012

I need to apologize to everybody that contacts me on here.I’ve been terrible at noting but I have been reading so I wanted to let you know, with this note, that I do love you all and beyond appreciate all of your support.

September 22, 2012

awesome news!! how exciting! Sorry to read about the ex, but also glad because imagine if you had married him .. You guys seem so organised. I think the prenup is a good idea. It’s like insurance. When we went over that topic in one of my classes my lecturer was like “sign of the times” because in the old days it was the wills getting updated when you move in together instead, so

September 22, 2012

that if one of you died the other one was looked after and got the house and everything, if you’re tenants in common and not joint owners that is. Probably also a good idea actually to do that too but I suppose you’d do that when you buy insurance on the house. Anyway, this tangent is so boring and I’m sure totally unhelpful and messy. I’m just a geek and I am happy for you guys.