Letter from David: 10th July (6 month Anniversary)

Hello gorgeous!

As tomorrow dawns it will be 6 months ago that we officially decided we were together, however I think we knew before that day we would be getting together but weren’t quite sure when! Over the last 26 weeks, we’ve spent 5 weeks out of the country and then nearly another week away in another part of the country away from each other between us, nearly 20% of the time we have been in a relationship! But I think this has only served to strengthen and test our characters and resolve to see us stronger on the other side and grow together as one. 

I remember those first couple of days and how we were completely mad and staying up until all hours of the morning just talking and spending time together. I remember you sneaking out of here from my place on a couple of nights well after midnight, and the same for me leaving your place. Only thing was you were working the following day and I was on leave or sick leave! I don’t quite know how you did it, but nearly every day we saw each other whether it be for dinner or sitting down on the beach or sitting down and talking about everything. I do wonder how you managed to get so much out of me as the conversation never stopped. It never felt so right 🙂 Seeing how happy you were around me and how open you were to everything really countered the style of who I am. I am good for anything once prompted, however starting a conversation I don’t have a hope. That is something I have learned from you about myself and my supervisor at work is now putting it to good effect! Helping me put in words things I know, but can’t explain.

I loved learning about you, what you stood for and what your values are. Where you wanted to be in 10 years time, the stories of your past and those things you don’t really talk about with anyone else. All the little personal things which you entrusted in me because you felt you could. It was nice to know I could be trusted and that you felt what we had was growing in that direction. I got to see the caring side of you as I had my wisdom teeth removed and after you finished work bought around plenty of supplies like magazines and food to keep me going and to help cheer me up, although smiling were a struggle, the numbness made me feel silly and I was swollen like a melon. But the love and care I saw in Kirsty, all the time you spent sitting with me, the little no pressure kisses you shared with me and just a gentle reassuredness may have helped keep the bruising really down, the swelling to go away quickly and for David to find his way back onto solid foods again quickly! I get knocked down, but I get up again and you most definitely helped me achieve that 🙂

Then came the Rugby Sevens. Yay for scoring tickets, though boo for being able to hardly use them! All worked well and good getting the boss in and out and a shame about the wet weather but Kirsty remained in decent spirits. It wasn’t warm either 🙁 And then Kirsty hurt her foot and the noise got too much for her and we went and bought pizza and watched the rest on tv, somewhere quieter and somewhere warmer and somewhere more comfortable for cuddling up! At least we know now its not our type of event and Kirsty knows her limits, I would have hated for you to have not said anything and for it all to get too much for you. All the hustle and bustle gets me too, oh we are going to be two amazing old farts aren’t we!

I love how we were growing closer all the time, then we faced our first test and Kirsty going away for a week with Mum. I have to say the night before you left was the weirdest I have ever seen you act, the fact you were only going a week and you weren’t going far, yet the thought you weren’t going to be with me was leaving you inconsolable. We hadn’t even been together a month and yet you felt that strongly really really spoke volumes to me. Seeing you laugh and cry at the same time is one of those things I will never ever forget, its almost like its a contradiction but I know for sure its not something you can do for any old occasion! Yet we made it through, returned with David the seal and loads of pictures and picked up from where we left off. 

As the days sailed by, before you knew it Kirsty’s birthday was upon us! It was nice to meet all her friends and although I can’t say I enjoyed the leather jacket, its still in my cupboard waiting for another day.. Don’t get any hints! 😉 Trust me to be open-ended with my birthday gift to Kirsty, but spending time and seeing Kirsty in her hunt for the perfect pair of boots was fun. I can only laugh in that the first pair of boots Kirsty tried on, the pair I picked for Kirsty out of all the boots there they were the ones you chose in the end. All the time we could have spent looking at other things.. oh the possibilities! 

But before I get too far ahead, it was about this time we finished our challenge of 1000 questions (at least thats what it felt like!) In your infinite wisdom you decided to ask me a lot of scenario based questions about what I would do and we sure did learn a lot from each other on that. I to be honest really struggled with it, thinking of questions was a real challenge. I can’t doubt what I learned, and although I don’t remember many of the questions I know it helped us to learn about each other in a really unique and special way and on the whole, discovered where the similarities and few differences do lie. 

Given a challenge, Kirsty isn’t one to be easily defeated. Keeping secrets is another thing and that is something which Kirsty somehow managed to keep tight lipped on right until the afternoon before my birthday. How she did it and defied all my questions designed to squeak the information out I will never know. It was a really memorable evening eating out with you and Kirsty dressing up for the occasion and although it wasn’t the warmest we did sit on the waterfront for over half an hour together just talking 🙂 Which was really really nice and then getting to spend the whole birthday with you and spending time with my family was a very special time for me and I am so glad you were able to join me for it.

As time marched on, I soon was embarking on my month traveling around North America and for Kirsty, each day was a day closer to my departure and not having me for 27 days. Sure enough the day comes and Kirsty keeps everything together, although David was slightly scatter-brained and found packing difficult! Departing was hard, it really was. Having Kirsty in tears though knowing she had to let me go was so tough, but knowing what I felt when she was away the first part is always the hardest, those days are the slowest and those where I should be rushing right back but the journey had started and it had to go on. Knowing you were able to hold it together, but had to release in private did help me knowing you weren’t a massive wreck for a long period of time and although you talked of thinking to come and see me, we knew that wouldn’t be possible and the world must go on and the days would continue to count down. It was nice to know and hear of the support from your friends they were offering you to help you through your tough time and I enjoyed getting to talk with you in the mornings or at lunch or you knew when the end of the trip was coming when you could talk to me after work and it was a reasonable hour still for me! Yet you did it, you held strong and I came home safe and sound, all in one piece and all the more assured this girl was doing something to me no other girl had ever done before. It was amazing to have you back, I really was missing a piece of me and I had just relocated that piece and put it back into its place in my jigsaw, our jigsaw I think and hope 🙂

Readjusting to the cold, readjusting to having more than a voice to listen to and having someone to cuddle and talk with makes me happy each and every day we do get to spend together. I hope it never changes and the cuddling part only gets longer!

And as tomorrow dawns and we look forward to our first date (fate as I typed the first time!) being repeated again I look forward to all the challenges which we have lying ahead. Nursing Kirsty back to good health and making sure her injuries heal, David heading overseas yet again shortly and making sure Kirsty can make it through, thinking toward the future and maybe purchasing a place of our own and then our break together in the South Island in November. We can only wonder from there what other obstacles we will strike, how we will overcome them and how as each day passes just that bit stronger we become and how much more we truly come to appreciate in each other in just what we have found and what we are growing.

Thank you for you being you, I know you’re so good for me and so right for me. I really appreciate how you have opened your life to me and how your family and friends have come to accept me not only for who I am, but what I am. I look forward to learning more about them too, and helping you to be an even better friend, colleague, daughter, granddaughter and Auntie to all those in your life. I really am so honoured to have you, to have you and only you Kirsty and I hope you have enjoyed everything we have shared these last 6 months just as much as I have.

I love you so much
David xoxo

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RYN: Any advice?