Postcard from David: 6th June

Hi Kirsty!
The background is Montreal, the middle island is one large park and in the bottom left hand corner is the bridge to the F1 track, and in the very bottom left you can see the hairpin turn where Kirsty the Moose sat!
Today has been a clear, sunny day with a high in the mid 20’s [ºC], perfect to go and view Old Montreal, several monuments and the Notre Dame Church. Very elaborate.
There were certainly more people out and about today than there was Monday and I imagine things only to continue getting busier and busier.
I love you so much and I hope your hand is continuing to get stronger each day [I injured it about 2 weeks before he left] and your countdown to my return only gets faster for you!
I know you will know where this comes from but I know it is most certainly true:
"Every place I go she’s inside of me, giving up her love unconditionally" [UB40 – Tell me is it true]
Looking forward to speaking with you again soon and thank Mum and Dad for the candy, no popped ears on the flight on my way over thanks to them!
Love David xoxoxo
(PS. The heavens really opened up this evening after such a nice day!)

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