
David has now been back for 1.5 weeks, and gosh am I glad to finally have him back! I’m so thankful he’s not in the Armed Forces or anything that makes him stay away for work (although his work will be sending him to Rarotonga in about 6 weeks for a conference!).
I thought that since he is now back, I might just update =)

He spent the first week of his holiday in Montreal, Canada. The main reason he went to Montreal was for the Formula 1 Grand Prix, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He also did a bit of sightseeing and felt a bit lost not knowing any French at all! He picked up a little Moose soft toy that was wearing a red hoodie with CANADA embroidered on the front, which he named Kirsty =D Basically, it went everywhere with him, and was his little mascot for his OE, so there are tons of photos of this little moose all over the place!

From Montreal, he got the train to New York. He stayed in NY for 3 days doing a bit of sightseeing such as the Empire State Building, the WTC memorial, and Times Square. And he even visited the Disney Store in Times Square and bought me a little Eeyore soft toy (I love Eeyore!). After his 3 days in NY, he got an Amtrak train to Washington DC and did some more touristy things like visiting the Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, getting as close as he could to the White House (Obama was in that day!) and visiting the Smithsonian Museum (the Natural History and the Air and Space museums).

Then it was a flight (or two) to Ohio, where he stayed with a friend. She showed him around Ohio and took him to Cedar Point (rollercoaster park) where he went on almost every ride apart from the Top Thrill Dragster (I already knew he wouldn’t want to do that one!). It was something ridiculous like 96ºF (35.5ºC) there on the day that he went, but he managed not to get sunburnt! After his week in Ohio he flew to Denver, CO. He was only in Denver overnight, and got the California Zephyr Amtrak train to San Francisco. The day that he left, it was forecasted for 104ºF (40ºC)! He was thankful to be getting out of there.

After 33 hours on the train, he arrived in San Francisco. He spend a lot of his time here sightseeing, and he even hired a bike and went over the Golden Gate Bridge and up the hills on the other side. He even spotted Pohutukawa trees there! The whole time he was away it only rained twice so he was quite lucky there. He preferred San Francisco’s weather because it wasn’t so stinking hot, although he did manage to get sunburnt on his bike ride!

I met him at the airport when he got back, and I couldn’t stop crying and hugging him. I am so glad he is back. So, so glad. =D
Needless to say, the next 24-48 hours were spent with him! Then it was time to go back to work =(

Currently I’m lying on my bed with my foot up listening to my favourite piece of piano music, Lake Erie Rainfall by Jim Brickman. It’s just beautiful =)

I’ve got my foot up because yesterday I thought it would be a good idea to fall down the stairs at 6.20am! Well obviously it wasn’t intentional, but I did manage to fall down the stairs at David’s place. I was heading out to my car to grab something (I had already been awake since 6am, leaving for work at 7am) and totally missed a step on the way down, twisted my ankle quite badly and almost head-butted the front door (David is sure I did, although my head didn’t hurt). He heard me fall and squeal, and came to find me in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs. He really was my knight in shining armour, he helped me back up the stairs and onto the bed, got me an ice pack and some paracetamol. So needless to say I stayed off work (work involves standing for 8 hours. I could barely stand).
I went to the doctors last night, she said it is definitely a bad sprain, and possibly fractured. So off to x-ray today, which showed no fractures (thank god!). Just going to be yet another round of physiotherapy for me. Did I mention how much of a klutz I am?
So it’s off work for me for the remainder of the week, and crutches are helping me out until I’m able to weight bear again.

I also went to the doctors about another thing, which I had been meaning to go to the doctors for since David returned. Just a warning, the next paragraph may be TMI, so skip it if you just don’t want to know!

On the day that David got back, obviously we had the best sex ever. But we also found something not so good. I don’t know how long it has been there, but there was a lump in my labia. It obviously wasn’t there before he left, so it’s appeared in the 4 weeks since he left. It’s not a boil or anything like that, and you can’t see anything, but it’s like there’s a marble inside my labia. I was quite concerned, and of course David was quite concerned too. So off to the doctors, and even she was kind of concerned. She didn’t know what it was, so is referring me to the gynaecology department at the hospital. Hopefully it isn’t anything sinister. And since mum had an abnormal smear when she was my age I’ve always been careful with these things. And before anyone says anything, no, it can’t be an STD. I have had full STD checks and came back clear, and David had never had a partner prior to me.

TMI over =)

Tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary! We are heading out to the same Indian restaurant that we had our first date at, and we are both quite amazed how quickly 6 months has passed by. And how much of an impact we’ve had in each others lives. I can honestly say that I have never felt this way about anyone, and I have never been so sure of what we have. It is amazing when you know that you have your best friend beside you, to support you, to be there for you through thick or thin, no matter what life throws at you.

Some people may think it’s a bit soon seeing as we have been together for only 6 months, but we have already decided that we will be buying a house together. We just know. He had altered his tenancy agreement so that he is only going to be there until the end of October. Fingers crossed that by then we will be the proud owners of our own home! Yes it is going to be a big test for us. We have already worked out how much we can afford and what sort of home we would like. We had a look at a couple of houses over the weekend and kind of fell in love with one of them, but we aren’t able to do anything until closer to October when David’s term deposits reach maturity. We had a bit of a laugh when we were discussing it, as he will be putting forth most of the money, but he has barely any physical assets. I am the opposite – I have a ton of the items to fill a home (beds, lounge furniture, fridge, washing machine, etc) and nowhere near as much money. Although I still will be contributing a fair amount to our deposit =)

I am really looking forward to this chapter in my life and at whatever challenges life throws at us. I know that together, we can conquer anything =)
I really, truly love my David

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July 9, 2012

I don’t think I could handle 33 hours on a train. That’s just crazy. Yay for labia lumpies. I had something similar, turned out to be a calcium deposit