Letter from David #2 – Birthday

David gave me this late on Saturday night, after everyone had left the party. It was the final part of my present, and he put it as him giving me his emotions and letting me in on how he feels. So here goes…

"Dear Kirsty,

I love you, I love you, I love you! Words simply can’t convey they feelings I have developed for you over these last magical 6 weeks. I firmly believe in destiny and for whatever reason New Year’s Eve, 2011, was the time destiny dictated you reentered my life. My life hasn’t been the same since.

Ever since that day I haven’t felt like my old self. I’ve changed in many ways I didn’t know I could even change. I have you to thank for encouraging me and to show me just how. There has been a target to aim for each day, to know it’s only a certain number of hours until I can see my beautiful Kirsty again. I have also become more optimistic and hopeful, along with becoming more assured of myself in many respects. In both cases, not only my personal life, but my professional life too.

Firstly I would like to say thank you for embracing me, and accepting me for who I am. Sure I may not have a simple 9-5 job and I can’t tell you or know what I’m doing days ahead and all the times you patiently wait for me, I can not begin to tell you what this means to me. I really do appreciate you waiting for me on many occasions so we can spend time together. I think it’s been really crucial for us, and now I find it hard to not be with you and see you each day. Incrementally, you’re becoming a larger and larger piece of my life, in an extremely good way. PS. I know there are certain confidential of my job which I choose not to tell you and I do thank you for accepting this! It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just what feels right for me. Anyway, I would trust you with my life, I honestly would!

There have been many features within you that have attracted me to you, in addition to many, what I would consider stunning qualities you possess. I really enjoy the fact that you have time for everyone. Absolutely everyone. This leads into your caringness and your ability to understand a situation and be able to know what to do. Instinct is so important for many things in life, if it weren’t for your instinct I don’t know whether I’d back myself and say I would be in a relationship with you today. I love your cooking, and your talents in the field of baking I truly admire. Your inquisitiveness is something which gets me thinking, not being so inclined that way myself. As many questions you have asked, I think it really helped us decide if we had something (which we did) and secondly if we could be able to make it work. Which we have! I like how nothing is a given and how you remain open to all ideas. Having an open mind and being willing to continue to learn regardless of age is something I see instilled in you and to me it is so very attractive. I’m glad you’re like me in that respect!

Ultimately, what stands out for me the most is your confidence in you. Understanding yourself, what you want, how you’re going to do it, how you’re going to achieve it. Right from the very start I haven’t felt the slightest bit uncomfortable around you. I have felt so at ease at times it’s been uncanny, but never has it not felt right. It’s been amazing and long may it continue, I never wish it to change! It’s a remarkable feeling self-confidence, I’m glad you’ve got it and I hope to help you develop it!

I had intentions of writing a single sided letter… however when the words kept coming this idea went out the window very quickly!!

For me, I think you’re the perfect woman. Never before have I met someone so interesting, so caring, so keen and eager to get to know me but most of all want to understand me.  Never before has anyone made me feel the way you can make me feel. I know our relationship is young, but all I see is growth within it. I truly see you becoming a major part of my life and I couldn’t be more excited about this prospect. At so many levels you complement me, but on so many levels you truly enhance. I feel like the most special person in the world when I’m with you, that you only have eyes for me and that little flicker of love has been well and truly ignited and now radiates warmth and passion with only more fuel to be added as our love progresses. This is only how my mind feels by the way!

Physically, you are perfect for me too. One of the very first things I fell in love with you was your smile, to me it is absolutely gorgeous and yes, your face does glow when you truly are smiling wide. Just like you will be now having read that previous sentence! Your cute nose that crinkles up, your brown hair and clear blue eyes all suit you so uniquely. I love your body too, every single aspect of it! I love the fact that you are so comfortable around me, and likewise, it’s a really big thing for me too, sharing all of me with you and being completely confident in doing so. Your cuddles are so warming and embracing, your kisses so tender and completely heartfelt. The variety we share from pecks to french kisses are most enjoyable and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world besides in your arms while being kissed by you. You truly are a dream come true and I cherish you so entirely and completely. I don’t ever want to stop being with you.

Somewhat recently, our love has really taken off. For me, if I were to try and describe it, think of the best gift you have ever received, then multiply that by 100. That only goes someway to quantifying my love towards you. However, some things are best thought about and not fully explained, beyond the fact it is most definitely there and will only get stronger.

Finally, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for being you and being such a true and honest person. I really like that and I hope I mentioned I really like you Kirsty! Love you so very very much in fact! I do enjoy the fact our families have accepted each other and when our parents meet they too like each other. I have no doubts about this at all! There is no one else in the world I want to be with, just you!

I’m not going to tell you when I wrote this, all I’m going to tell you is that it’s taken me just under 2 hours, and it has just ticked past 1am. Love is a crazy thing and I love it’s with you! I hope this gives you a little more of an insight into me and just what you really deeply, truly and honestly mean to me. Have a fantastic birthday for this 2012 year!

Sent with all my love,
David xoxoxoxo"

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February 28, 2012

Sounds like you found the perfect man in David. I’m sooo jealous. What a wonderful magical emotion Hold on tight its a roller coaster. Hugs

February 28, 2012

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! <3 And I was hoping it didn’t seem too selfish, I know my dad is super excited about it, and I feel like it gives him something to look forward to. Anyway, this has to be one of the most romantic things I’ve ever read! He sounds like a keeper for sure! xo

February 29, 2012

Awe, that’s so sweet.