
dragonfly by ziggy marley <3


I’m drinking cold coffee out of the handmade ceramic mug he got out of the kiln yesterday.

He made about 6, but only 2 are really the size you’d want to drink coffee out of, because he didn’t listen to the people who told him how much the clay shrinks when you fire it.

So now there are 10 or so really small cups and mugs, just sitting everywhere.

I’m going to put succulents in them.

My house is slowly turning into my home.

We’ve made this home together, sharing a level of intimacy that most people who ‘just live together’ don’t.

It’s a clear sunny day, I like sitting inside and watching the trees move in these great sweeping gestures against their will.

that’s what I’m doing now, and watching the neighborhood black and white cat stalk the birds that exist in my front yard.

Walking around town there are all these little daisies in the grass, some white and some pink. Everyday I see them and they make me happy as I imagine daisy chain after daisy chain I could be making, but I never make any. Someday.

The real reason I’m writing today is to talk about Lauren.

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since we lived in the dorms, since I moved out and stopped speaking to her. All of it seems so silly now.

Most definitely it’s what you would expect out of two 18 year old girls, in our budding adulthood.

We were reminders to each other of who we had been at home, and identity we were both redefining in college, in completely opposite ways.

I ran in to her yesterday, I was walking into town instead of walking home after class because I wanted to get a little exercise.

We chatted for 15 minutes and made plans to get dinner on Wednesday.

It feels good, it seems like we’ve both come terms with who the other person is, was, and is going to become.

I sort of knew from when we first become friends that we were friends on a deeper level than most.

It feels like I’m slowly tying up all my loose ends, making my relations with people I once cared about right.

happy tuesday



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April 16, 2013

good to hear about you and lauren. i got your letter tonight, i’m catching a cold and so took nyquil and am too tired to respond tonight, but this week! i love you endlessly, fishy