
I keep avoiding writing about the kiss on sunday night because I. don’t. know. what  I’m doing.

Sometimes I look and him and I think I have feelings for him,

and sometimes it feels like he has feelings for me

But I know him, and he’s SUCH A WEENIE.

First guy I’ve ever made the first move on.

And until he grows a pair and makes the next move, we’re in a stalemate.

And really, who knows how long that will take?

Knowing him, it could be months.

And then I feel guilty, because ex-neighbor texts me and my heart rate elevates.

I’m still really confused,

oh and my dad and my brother are here for a couple days to le visit.

I feel bad for my brother, he didn’t get into any of the schools he applied to. (not for lack of intelligence, but lack of trying in school)

So he’s stuck at home for at least another year or two going to a JC.

And that sucks cuz my parents are nuts, and they’re constantly trying to undermine each other.

and I know my mom wants to be free to spend all of her time with her boyfriend, and my dad is just…not fun for long periods of time.

Someday, I hope they realize what they’ve done to their relationships with us…

oh well

tata for now

I’ll write about sunday night in detail when I calm down later.




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April 3, 2013

Hmm yes I am curious about this…

April 3, 2013

NO! that is a tragedy. you should find them, or write and send one. i get no letters and it’s sad and life is hard sometimes.