
Officer-by slightly stoopid is on my itunes right now. I’ve been listening to a lot of SS lately. So chill, so happy 🙂


I actually did things yesterday.

I got up before 10:00 am for the first time all week.

Nothing for school or career or anything, that’s the hard stuff, but soon, soon I will.

I’m pretty sure I met a cute guy at a party last night, completely shitfaced, because there was a very sloppy ‘Owen’ scrawled on a piece of paper when I woke up. I think drunk me wanted to remember his name, even though I can’t really remember his face.

I probably should stop drinking shitty vodka, makes me throw up every time.

Last night my friend told me that my most recent actual ex, J, got his freshman girlfriend pregnant,

and due to very interesting complicated relationships, my ex housemate ended up having to drive them to a big city so she could get an abortion. (which is why I know about it; we have mutual friends)

She was 15 weeks.

AND he lost his job, because after he found out she was pregnant he came to work drunk.

And apparently he was an insensitive ass about it, and my ex housemate and him are no longer homies, because even though she’s kind of nuts, she does not tolerate people of bad character.

God, I miss gossiping.

We got drunk and joked about it yesterday, but it’s not really a particularly lighthearted subject.

But also, that could have been me. If things had gone in a slightly different direction, if we hadn’t HAD to use condoms cause of herpes…That so could have been me.

This is partly why I firmly believe that things happen for a reason.

I was so infatuated with him, so upset when he found someone new…

and now he just seems like a retard, an insensitive jerk.

Interest wise he’s still a cool cat, we’re ‘cool’ whatever that means, but….dude.

I feel for that poor girl. In all the stories I’ve heard, she’s this faceless accessory to him.

No friends really besides him, and I can’t imagine how going through that mostly alone would feel.

<3 happy Saturday


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