girl inform me

I’ve been really crazy lately, not stable emotionally, barely able to hold my shit together.

the amount of caffiene I’m inhaling is probably directly related to the waves of panic that have been rushing over me

at all hours of the day by the way

no full blown panic attacks though, which is a good sign.


But I’m doing much better than I was.

I can do this.

Today and tomorrow will be spent moving my life from this big lonely house

to another much smaller one

where there are no ghosts of boyfriends and friends past

(Ironically my ex house-mate and my ex boyfriend are best buds now, not romantically, he has a gf)

a fresh start

Now all I need are friends….




It’s not a good sign when you have sex with someone for the first time and they avoid you for 2 days.


I don’t have time to think about that right now though, I have so much other stuff to deal with

Men (boys really) will have to wait

especially when they piss me off


I’ve been writing here a lot because I literally have no one to talk to

but myself, as presented here.

okay, the pity party is over

moving on

it was so sunny and lovely today




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February 19, 2013

i often feel the same as you. i added you to my friends. i hope thats ok 🙂