in the back seat

this is going to be a rant

I have to move or get a new housemate before the first of February

and um, I’m pissed.

I don’t need this right now.

I just wanted to do well in my classes, get more involved in school, meet new people, try to find my happy.

I guess I can still do all of those things, but right as school is starting my life is going to be chaos.

I do not react well to chaos, change gives me anxiety.

Unknown things make me anxious, which I understand, is a personal problem but….-_-

And I’m stuck in LA until my car is fixed, while both my housemates run amuck….

Lemme back up, and explain what happened, a.k.a. why my roommate is moving.

So, I got a call from my house-mate on Sunday, lets call him G. He’s livid, because my other housemate M, got a dog.

Not just any dog, a bulldog mastiff puppy. Without asking either of us, not even hinting at it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, but a) puppies have a lot to learn and the dude who owns our house explicitly said NO DOGS. Especially no large ones, that wasn’t negotiable.

b) She’s gone a lot, and never cleans up after herself, I mean, never. Unless I’m poking and prodding her. I asked her about the dog and she said she’s crate training it and it only needs a couple hours of exercise a day, and that the crate could stay in her room. I don’t know a ton about that breed but….I feel like that’s not right.

So obviously we told her she couldn’t have it in our house. A dog is going to effect everyone, both positively and negatively no matter how you look at it. By the way this is the same chick who released a guinea pig into the forest because she didn’t like it….

I got a call the next day saying she was moving out.

I’m mostly pissed because I’m pretty sure the dog was an excuse to move out.

And there’s a lot of other drama but I feel like I’ve ranted enough for one entry

for a lifetime even

and so now I have to either live with a stranger, my other wishy washy roommate, or live by myself, none of which were appealing, but change is good I guess.

it’s just very inconveniently timed.




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January 14, 2013

Lame. That sort of thing has happened to me before. I decided to just live alone, and have ever since. It’s pretty cool if you can afford it.