dead leaves on a dirty ground

I recieved some mean comments on my diary after my last entry.

I think, my first insulting comments ever.

I am not particularly bothered by them.

hiding behind behind anonymity you can say whatever you want

and they were right.

I did a bad thing

because I was ashamed of having herpes

Why should I be ashamed?

made to feel tarnished, dirty, unclean?

Why do I deserve to be insulted about having herpes?

Do people with aids get made fun of? Do they get it in a similar fashion?

People with HPV?

People who get gonhorrea or chlamydia in the same way I got herpes get better and move on with their life.

Society has made herpes a joke, a shameful thing.

There have been studies that have shown that the emotional trauma of having herpes is way worse than the actual symptoms.

This shame is entirely created by our society.

I’m done feeling sorry for myself

there is nothing wrong with me, or anyone else who has an STI.


And I think I want to get more people aware of this issue.

I think I may have found something to fight for.





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January 10, 2013

Go you 🙂

i’m scared i have herpes. can you get them through spit? like sharing a bong?

January 12, 2013

herpes can only be transmitted through skin to skin contact