Even though I was stressed out this morning at work, I’m still so happy just joking around with people at work, and having a good time with everything.
I timed one of my walks with Scooby, which we have done every day for a week now, and realized it’s 45 minutes. I also just switched his food, and he looks SO GOOD! He’s SUCH a beautiful dog, and I love walking him just so I can look at him lol… and his recall is getting better and better every time we go.
He’s also getting better with his nails being clipped, just one at a time before each meal. It’s working great!
I keep getting the idea at work that I’m too unprofessional sometimes… and I know I am, but I think it’s more important that I go with my opinion, and not everyone else’s. I know I should be more professional in ways, but who cares if I make dirty jokes sometimes? The people I’m working with are way worse anyways…
I’m a little worried, I’ve been invited to a bar with a bunch of people I work with, but I’ve heard through word of mouth that I’m not allowed to spend time with my own staff… and some of them will be there. I don’t know how to ask my boss… I don’t want to be creepy or anything by going, and I don’t want to seem weird by asking. Maybe I’ll just make an appearance, not get drunk and socialize… I dunno, it’s different because I’m a manager. And from what I see on the list, I’ll be the only manager. I’m also the youngest manager in the store.
Anyways, I better get to bed and keep my life going smoothly, because I’m loving every second 🙂